DJ FrostyFreeze: That was TOTALLY a joke
See Our Zed
: Just in time - you're about to be banned until Tuesday. ENJOY
DJ FrostyFreeze: You dont think I was serious, do you? Or is the joke that bad, it deserves banning
See Our Zed
: YOU should know better.
DJ FrostyFreeze: great
DJ FrostyFreeze
: As usual, I'll take my scapegoat-banning like a man, but I just want to say that I think a huge over-reaction has occured here
See Our Zed
: You know, I had already banished a 20+ post thread about that gossip. Did you REALLY think it was a good idea to put a HHH comment in the SECOND thread that was undoubtedly going to get banished soon enough anyway?
DJ FrostyFreeze: I hadnt seen the first thread at all. And I thought the HHH comment was so blatantly reaching & out of place that it would be obvious to all that it was a joke
See Our Zed
: I think I've let you get away with enough posts consisting entirely of "Boo" or personal comments to Greg or ITVR in-jokes that you can probably let me set an example with you THIS time.
DJ FrostyFreeze: Sure, what the heck
See Our Zed
: I don't care if it's a joke - it's a stupid, overused joke and I react the same way pretty much everytime
See Our Zed: I'm sure if I didn't have to read every single post in that forum I'd be in a much better mood about that kind of stuff but sometimes I just can't take it
DJ FrostyFreeze: It just seems like evrytime I get done defending you & The W at ITVR or in the chat, I get banned or called a name or something, then I have to go back to those same people & try to explain how I can still think you are not an asshole. Greg thinks you keep making the example out of me because you know I'll take it & wont flip out. Is that true?
See Our Zed
: Well....I usually am genuinely annoyed by whatever you've done when I act like, or mention I'm annoyed by whatever you've done. On the other hand, I don't think I ban or call you names THAT much, but I do so many things with so many people I may be forgetting things.
See Our Zed: Don't feel you HAVE to defend me or the board, by the way - I'm pretty sure most of those dudes have made their minds up and I sleep perfectly well at night whether they like me or hate me...or even don't care one way or the other (which is the worst!!)
DJ FrostyFreeze: I dont defend you because I think I HAVE to, I do it because I believe what I'm saying when I do it. It's just frustrating when things happen that appear to prove your haters right.
DJ FrostyFreeze
: Besides all that, it's also really embarassing to get banned & name-called. Thats probably the worst part, the embarassment
DJ FrostyFreeze
: I think thats why most people come back 5-6 times avter you ban them & talk trash, to try to "comeback" or somehow "repair their damaged image" or whatever, eef you wheel
See Our Zed
: Okay, you've said it twice - what names have I called you?
DJ FrostyFreeze: Maybe not "names" specifically, but I got called dumb a couple times today & a few times in the past. You also called me "STUPID" in all caps once at the old board because I complained about spoilers in thread titles
See Our Zed
: Well, given that that had to have been at least four years ago, I'll have to take your word for it. I don't think you're stupid but I won't lie - a lot of your posts make me cringe.
DJ FrostyFreeze: damn
DJ FrostyFreeze
: I didnt know I was that bad
See Our Zed
: Try this:
See Our Zed: Try looking at your posts in a vaccuum and see if any of them look any different
DJ FrostyFreeze: Cant, I'm banned :-)
See Our Zed: Hmm.....well, it's probably too much work to go from - never mind
DJ FrostyFreeze: I browsed though the last 50. I probably saw maybe 4 (not counting today's borthday song thread) that I didnt consider that bad until after this conversation. I still dont see those as too too bad, but if you do I'll tone it down