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Antonette...first of all, I LOVE YOU MAN!! for reals, you are the best friend a girl could ever have and i'm so thankful that i am lucky enough to be your best friend =) you been here for me through good and bad and we've had so many good times, i'm always here for you no matter what and you're always gonna be my bestest homie in the world!! we've had so many good times and lots of laughs and i know we're gonna have so many more!! thank you soo much for bein here for ya Mrs. Bryant/Timberlake/Dorough =)

Catherine...ok, no mushy stuff here, we've had enough of that i would say...well girly, i admire you so have been such a good influence in my life and i thank you so much for that, i've grown to love ya like a sis and i miss you already you college woman!! hehe, love ya lots CAT!!

Ness...V-DAWG!!! well homie we've had some EXTREMELY fun times and WE'RE JUST GETTIN STARTED! heehee =Þ...well thanx for bein here for me and givin me so many laughs, hehe, you know who dat is? DAZ BONE and oh yeah, it's FIG NEWTONS!! =) lol love ya girly

Rhonda...wassup RATgirl!? hehe ok me and you are the TOTAL experts on getting what we want! lol... hehe, well girl thanx for bein a great friend and makin me laugh, and lettin me come over on lonely friday oh yeah! WUT BRACELET??? ya Rhondie!!!