Who? 1

The whole gang was in the library reading up on some demon or another. Buffy couldn't remember what they were researching for. Most likely a way to kill this demon before it swallows Sunnydale whole or something. That was the usual scenario except that Buffy was usually paying more attention to her book then the person sitting across from her.

Every few minutes she glanced up and stared at the brunette slayer. After realizing what she was doing she'd duck her blonde head down and bury her nose in her book. Faith noticed but thought that it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Well, until it kept happening. Faith would look up quickly and Buffy would find somewhere else to look.

"What?" Her tone was slightly irritated. It was bad enough that she had to sit in a library and read books that she barely understood but being stared at was just plain annoying. Buffy had the deer caught in headlights look as everyone turned to look at her.

"What, what?" The blonde put on her best confused look hoping beyond hope that no one had noticed her slight flush. Faith narrowed her eyes slightly but didn't pursue it further. There was something weird going on with Buffy lately. She opened her mouth to question Buffy about what the deal was but Giles spoke up from his office. "Buffy, Faith ... maybe you two should train for a bit. You both seem rather tense. No doubt the inactivity is wearing on you."

Faith didn't argue with that, she just got up and went to the weapons locker to get her duffel bag. Buffy was two steps behind her trying to remember to breathe. Faith grabbed the blonde's bag and tossed it at her. Buffy caught it and mumbled a thanks. Her voice was strained and a little shaky. In a few minutes she'd have to change. Which wasn't a bad thing, but she'd have to change in front of Faith. Again not a bad but it meant that Faith would be changing too. Half nekkid Faith two feet from a half nekkid Buffy was a bad.

The brunette was already in the locker room changing when Buffy walked in. The older slayer pointedly kept her gaze on the floor as she started stripping. She could feel the other woman's eyes on her but didn't look up. She didn't dare look up and see more then she could handle. Faith finished dressing then sat on the bench looking at Buffy.

"Ok what's the deal girlfriend?"

"What? What deal?"

"You? What's up with you? I mean first you can't take your eyes off of me and now you're lookin' anywhere but me. Did I do something wrong here or what?"

Buffy's green eyes widened and she slowly turned her gaze to Faith. The other woman was blank faced waiting for an answer. Again the blonde stared down at the floor and finished changing. She was trying not to think about how good Faith looked in her work out clothes. "N-nothing's wrong with me Faith. Just have a lot on my mind is all. You know demony things and things things."

"Ya know B if I didn't know better I'd say you were crushing."

Buffy's head snapped up and her compact slid from her suddenly nerveless fingers. It clattered to the ground loudly. The blonde's mind was reeling with all kinds of thoughts. She thought she hid it, she thought that no one had noticed, she thought she could ignore it. "Huh?"

"Yeah so who is it? Xander? Or maybe it's Giles. Cause you know that watcher is kinda hottie material if you get over the tweed factor. I know it isn't wolf boy 'cause he isn't your type. And I'm almost positive that it isn't Brood Boy either. What you feel for him is past the crushy stage. So who is it?"

The shorter Slayer shook her head half in relief and half in dismay. So Faith thought she was crushing on someone was good. It was a little more then a crush that she felt but it wasn't for any of the other Scooby Gang. Her look of tortured relief was replace by disgust at the mention of Giles in non watcher ways.

"Ew. No no no no crushy of the Giles. Ick he's like old and...old. And Xander? no I don't think so as in ever. He's Xander the goof and former hyena that ate a piggie. Bad wrong and no. As for the other's you're right I have no crushy feelings for them. Especially Angel."

Faith didn't miss the soft way that Buffy said his name. The way her eyes darkened with sadness at the thought of him. It was one of those things that just bothered her to see. A sad Buffy just wasn't natural. The dark slayer got a wicked gleam to her eyes and a smirk slid across her face. "Well that just leaves Red."

She was rewarded by the abject look of horror on the other's girl's face. Buffy shuddered at the thought of Willow in a crushy way. Talk about Bad Wrong and No. Buffy bent to pick up her compact and sat on the bench next to Faith. She faced the taller woman and grinned.

"Will is a no. That's just violating."

"Why? 'Cause she's a girl?"

"No. 'Cause she's a Willow. My Willow. Willow who is my family." She shuddered again at the thought of the redhead in more then a friend way. Disturbing thoughts. Faith raised an eyebrow as she studied the other slayer. She didn't dare think too hard on what Buffy had said.

"So then who is it? Some school boy?" Faith had this need to know but she wasn't sure that she really wanted to know. She knew that Buffy had people falling all over themselves to be near her. Buffy looked at Faith hoping to see something in the other woman's face. Something like mutual crushy feelings. All she got was Faith's usual mask of indifference.

"It's not. A boy that is. We should get back or the other's are gonna wonder what we're up to. Xander will come running in here stake in hand and jaw on the floor." She stood and tossed the rest of her stuff in to her bag. Faith stood and headed toward the library. She was beyond curious now and Buffy didn't seem to want to talk.

"Please tell me it isn't Cordy... 'cause you'd lose major cool points with me." Buffy just laughed and shook her head no. Faith let out an exaggerated sigh of relief and Buffy laughed harder. They walked in to the library together and stretched their muscles. Action was so much easier then talking.