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CS 94 (XML) -- Homework #3 -- XSL Transformations


The purpose of this assignment is to:

(a) learn to use XSL transformations to generate HTML from an XML document

(b) practice using basic elements of XSL transformations


0. Read Chapter 4 of your textbook on "XSLT". You may also want to refer to the textbook’s Appendices B (XPath Reference) and C (XSLT Reference), as well as other books and websites on XSLT and XPath.


1. Pick some title or office and period of time, and create an XML document that lists all of the people who held the office or title during the period of time, including the terms for which they held the office or title and some items of personal information. For example, you might choose Mayors of San Francisco from 1880 to 1950, world chess champions during the twentieth century, or reigning British monarchs since 1700. The document should meet the following criteria:

a. At least ten and no more than one hundred persons should be listed in chronological order. (If a person held the title or office more than once, they should be listed once for each time holding the office or title.)

b. There should be at least two and no more than ten items of personal information on each person, and at least one of those items should be available for all of the persons listed. For example, you might include the dates of birth and death, nationality, and occupation of the world chess champions, but only have the years of birth and nationalities available for some of the champions.

c. In addition to the lists of people and information about them, the document should include a list of sources for the information provided, with URLs for those sources on the Internet and bibliographic information for print sources. You do not need to document each item of information individually, just list the major sources for your information as a whole.


2. Create an XSL transformation that turns your XML document into a web page displaying the information that the document contains.

a. The page should have a title and identical main heading that identify the office or title and period of time that the persons listed collectively hold.

b. The persons listed should appear in an HTML definition list in alphabetical order by name. The individual items should use the person's name and the period he or she held the title or office as the term, and the other informational items in some visually consistent format of your choice as the definition.

c. The sources of information should be listed at the end of the web page, after the list of persons, with links to Internet sources.


3. Use an XSLT engine to create an HTML file “[filename].html” that is the result of applying the XSLT transformation to the XML document.


4. Include an "<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="[filename].xsl"?>" declaration in the prolog of your XML document so that XSL aware browsers will use the transformation to display the document.


5. Create a web page consisting of two frames. The left frame (with between 10% and 20% of the width of the browser window, choose the width that you think looks best) should be a list of three links, one to your XML document (which should be displayed as HTML using the XSLT transformation), one to your XSLT stylesheet (which should be displayed as XML), and one to the HTML file you generated in part 3 of this assignment. Each of these views should be displayed in the right frame when the link in the left frame is followed.


6. Use an ftp client to upload your web pages to the subdirectory cs94 of the home directory of your account on Chabot's csweb server.

a. Modify the file index.html to add a link to the location where the main page for this assignment will go, then upload it to your cs94 directory on csweb.

b. Upload the web page created in part 5, the XML document, the XSL transformation and the HTML result for this assignment. It is up to you to decide whether to put them in the main cs94 directory or to create a subdirectory for this assignment.


7. When your web page is up on the server, to complete the assignment send me an e-mail message with the URL of your main web page for this assignment and information about how you created the HTML file.

 *****This must be done to receive credit for this lab.*****


a. Send the message to with a Cc: to yourself.


b. The Subject of your message should be: "CS 94-071: HW#3"


c. The message should include the URL of the main page for the assignment (the one with the two frames).


d. The message should include a description of how you created the HTML file in part 3 of the assignment, including the XML parser/XSLT engine that was used to do the transformation (including the version number) and how you used what other software to call the XSLT engine.