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Evil Dragons(?)

Evil Dragons:
Black Dragons The black dragon is typically found in marshes and swamps,
although they may be found in subterranean lairs,
for they always seek to lair in deep dark caves.
The dragon is 30 feet long and has average intelligence.
The breath weapon of the dragon is the spitting of acid.

Green Dragons:
The race of green dragons prefer to locate their underground lairs
in or near woods or forests of the bleaker, wilder sorts if possible.
They are very nasty tempered and thoroughly evil.
They have average intelligence and are 36 feet in length.
The breath weapon of the green dragon is a cloud of poisonous chlorine gas.

Red Dragons:
The red dragon is usually found dwelling in great hills
or mountainous regions. They make their caves in subterranean
caves and similar places. They are very greedy and
avaricious. Of all the evil dragons, this sort is the worst(some would disagree).
They are 48 feet in length and possess exceptional intelligence.
The breath weapon of the red dragon is a cone of fire.

White Dragons:
White dragons favor chilly or cold regions to dwell.
They lair in icy caves or deep subterranean places.
Although not as intelligent as other dragons,
they are as evil and greedy as any. They have low to average intelligence and are
only 24 feet in length. The breath weapon of the white dragon is a cone of frost.

Chromatic Dragons:
known also as Tiamat. Tiamat rules the first plane of the Nine Hells where she spawns
all of evil dragonkind. She hates all good as fiercely as she loves cruelty
and hoards wealth. She is seldom outside her lair,
but occasionally she comes to earth to place a new dragon or to seek more
treasure. She can travel astrally or ethereally.
Although her sheer size prevents claw attacks, Tiamat can bite with all
five of her heads and sting with her tail at the same time,
breath with one or more of these heads
or cast spells with one or more heads at the same time.
Tiamats heads are white, black, green, blue and red.
Her breath weapons correspond to the color of each head.
Each head of Tiamat can regenerate. The regeneration
takes a full day. When encountered in her lair,
Tiamat will always have five consorts/guards with her - one huge adult ancient
male dragon of the white, black, green, blue and red dragons.
She is a genius in intelligence level and she is 60 feet long.

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