Oh Bitchy,Bitchy...

In this section we see Britney Spears in the RollingStone magazine shoot...this girl actually thinks this is normal!! HAHAHAHA! Coulda fooled me! Let's Begin The Bashing!

Okay she admits she's a whore...but she still hasn't admitted to having a boob job ... ("i think it is so nasty to have a boob job, why would I get one?"...yea, right... you *DID* get one Bitchney!) Okay Brit-Brat is holding on to her favorite doll... a Tinky "I'm Gay" Winky Teletubbie..what's up w/ the cell phone? Who you callin'? "Mrs. Roses House Of Whore Clothes" to see if your shipment's in? Speaking of a whore.... why aren't you on your corner,Bitch?!

Yea, you best be gettin' yo' ass to yo' corna! You'r customers are waitin'!! Okay... a kiddie Bike? Did you buy that yourself Brit? "Who Wears Short, Shorts?" Bitchney does... eww...yuck!! we can see her ass hanging out!! Sick Bitch!Real Sick! Oh, and a Make-up tip.... you know you need to double your makeup for a camera...NOT QUADRUPLE IT!...stupid bitch! What's up with the baby,baby, butt-cheeks? Can we say Skanky? But we knew that about you Britney..

You can AT LEAST clean your room before people come over!! Especially camera people... and HOW MANY of us lounge around our rooms in a training bra, short shorts and high heels? Not Many! Or at least any of the people I know! Aw..is that your "baby" CD Player at your feet?? What's a matter? Couldnt afford a real one? I mean, I'm not a rich bitch, but my Cd Player is a 250 dollar CD player that came with 2 speakers...i was able to collect 2 more..so It's a quad speaker system... really phat...and it only cost me 250 dollars! Yours on the other hand was what? 25 dollars? I thought you were just so damn proud of your "riches!" What about the dolls? Oh Barbie, Barbie, sit-n on my shelf, you are so dear to me.. I had you for 12 years! And now I cant part yea!...Come On ... 2 words! GROW UP!

Is that your dad looking up your skirt while you do a tidy dance for him? Looks like little sis (or is that your bro) is looking up to you...DONT SPREAD THE DISEASE! Please!"Mariah Carey, is like, so , like, cool, i wanna, like, be just like, her, yea,like that... ditzy laughter.."

Hmmm.. farmiliar outfit...looks just like the one you wore in that stupid ass video... "oh Boobies, Boobies... I think Im Fine..But you say Im Not ..yea.." So you hired fake fans huh? Lemme guess ... 12 year olds, 12 year olds.... will work for about 5 dollars a piece... there are about 20 of them... that equals..100 dollars outta your pay check... tough love brit-brat..

Well that is the DORKIEST excuse for a cheerleading outfit I have *EVER* seen in my Life! Britney put a bra on, and while your at it put soem panties on! Eww, she isn't wearing any... slut!! And she's pulling up her skirt so you can see her ass...ugly bitch! Red is so 2 years ago! And what's w/the yellow car in the background? Did you shoot this in your garage??

Okay..that's all of them... YUCK... if you haven't puked yet you have a strong stomach!

They Call Her...

EnOuGh KiDDiE pOrN--Go HoMe!

Email: catkat13@aol.com