
This is the hatemail section (duh)... I've warned ya before that if by any chance i get *ANY* hatemail , it's going up.. well it's been three months... finally someone hates me... hehehe.... well they've been warned!My comments in ( )'s

DIPSHIT #1-RRodri9417@aol.com ... (E-mail them and tell them how much they suck! Or u can I.M. them.. hehehe!)

nsync dosent suck backstreet gurlz suck( Suck my what? Get the hell outta here!) nsync dances better( haha.. they copied bsb's dances and changed them around just a little, yea, they dance better...roflmwao!) sings better(haha.. anyways) justin (is a wigger) lance(is a queer) and jc(rat-boy..i look like a sewer rat.. lol) are fine (yea, if you're screwed up mentally) there is no way they beat nsync not in a million years (check past TRL's honey.. nsuck don't stand a chance) i dont care what any body says (obviously you cared about what i said) nsync is way better ( lol.. that's funny..one big runon sentence! )

(that's all for dipshit #1..what a LOSER!)

DipShit #2- CrunkChic86@aol.com (And *PLEASE* People don't I.M. or E-mail me begging me to forgive you for this.. if you didnt read the disclaimer.. well that's your fault.. you've been warned.)

i think ( i don't care what you think) britney spears and nsync are the best( well that's your screwed up mind.) bsb sucks ass!!!(no sorry dear, bsb aren't queer like nsync)Lance bass is not a queer(uhm.. yes he is.. *LISTEN* to his voice!) and justin is one of the hottest guys on earth!!!!! (in a million years kiddo) Britney is probably better then you .( Well since im not a slut, yea, brit brat's probly a better slut then i am) you probably cant sing( i got the voice kid) or dance( i'll knock 'um dead danceing... you just don't know me! ) cause all you do is make hatewebsites ( IT'S A HUMOR SITE -- H-U-M-O-R-)for people you are jealous of. ( What do I have to be jealous of? LOL Some slut and a bunch of queers? <~Referring to nsync NOT bsb )


Everyone, can we please welcome Dipshit #3 ? --

Her e-mail addy is : dreamingrl0244@hotmail.com


Dreamingrl0244@hotmail.com Writes:

ok you hoe(s) im not sure if the maker of this site has more then one sn, or if this is two people,(Nope it's one and I'm not a hoe :) ) but you better believe ima bitch you both out HERE AND NOW!(uh.. dear, there's only ONE of me! ) okay? first off, britney aint no hoe, ok? (And What planet exactly are you from?) she happens to be one of my closes friends,(oh, yea, i can tell.. you can't spell either.. she's one of your closesT friends huh? Yea, okay whatever.. ::giggles::) and i can tell you , her boobs are real.( oh, and you would know how? oh, i forgot you're her CLOSES friend ) your probably goin off about it cause your still in a training bra, ok? (nope I'm not.. but now is not the time nor place to discuss what I am ) oh, and being that im friends with her mean i know ~*Nsync to ,(UH.. Bad grammar.. yea right , again LMAO! ) and they are the nicest people ever,( ::sneezes-Bullshit!::) and i like the bsb to, there are simularites, yes, but that DONT mean they copying the bsb, ok? (there are TOO many simularities!)oh and you know what? you call brit a southern slut one more time ima hunt you down and kill you, ok? (OOOO--I'm so scared.. BTW-Britney's a Southern Slut! ) i guess you didnt know that my uncle is in the mafia, im italin, you know. (yea ok.. if you were ITALIAN I think you'd know how to SPELL It)and also, howdya get her sn? (Idiot.. that's not her s/n, thats a poser. )ohhhh i know you put it in find a buddy, cause you know that deep down in your cold, little titted, USA gutter slut body, that you wanted to have a convo with her,(uh...NO..it was emailed to me) only you make it seem like you all im her to diss her,(I AM all into dissing her--it's fun! ) ohh ok, werdya hide the REAL convo "mel mel"??(that WAS the real convo dorkoff! ) yeah, thats what i thought. you all may think that dissin her is fun but yall know its cause you just jealous cause shes a beautiful,(TYPO-SHE IS UGLY) talented,(LMAO!) 3rd richest women in the world and not a slutty two cent suck a dick whore who gets picked up on the corner by 80 year old men and only gets attention when sucken on a popsicle ok?(WOW-- I THINK SHE JUST DISCRIBED BRITNEY!BECAUSE SHE IS A TWO-CENT WHORE AND SHES NOT THE 3RD RICHEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD!) so before you mess with the beautiful people, check yo self mrs notpurty_girl27 with an acne problem, that , by the way, needs to be cleaned up, ok?( haha! Niggah please! You don't know me! I love how people assume things don't you?)

Here's my E-mailed REPLY: CatKat13@aol.com writes:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's the FUNNIEST thing I've ever heard in my ENTIRE life! Okay look -- first of all, I don't believe you. You're probably just another teeny-bopper! I can guarantee you that I'm not afraid of the " mafia " , but YOU HAD BETTER be afraid of the police, cuz, you just threatened to kill me.. yea, it's funny that you have no way of knowing who I am and you can diss me. BTW-- I'd like to see you TRY to hunt me down!! What're you gonna use? My IP adress?? WOOOOOO-- I'm REALLY , REALLY SCARED!! (* yea, right *). Well Little Ms. Jessica Lileka (according to AOL)- I'm not going to play your little games. You can't call me a slut however, because I am in NO WAY, Shape, or Form a slut. So Get A Life, Get Real, And Get Over It! ~*MeL-MeL*~ (*btw-- Purty_gurl27 is a discontinued account at hotmail *)

What'dya think about THAT one fellas?

Email: catkat13@aol.com