*Setting*Bsb decide to take a break from their singing while Leighanne Littrell opens up her own bookstore. Which just so happens to be quantly entitled "The Crackhead Around the Corner". Despite this obscure title, her adult bookstore does good buisiness.One day the boys decide to go get some lunch --leaving Leighanne and A.J.'s girlfriend Amanda to run things.Buisiness is kinda slow as is expected it being Sunday and all. Nsync walks in...and here we go..(pun intended)..

JC*To Chris*- We should open our own Bookstore! We could make mad money!

Justin- Oh Yea holmes, Bukoo Bucks plus Bukoo Bucks from brain-washed fans...equals... Mo' shit fo' mah Benz!

Joey- I'm Hungry

Chris-So what else is new Joey, you're *ALWAYS* hungry!

Joey- I can't help that I'm like a shrew(that's a mouse that eats 24/7 for those that don't know), I have to eat 24/7 or I'll die!

JC- If i ever see another mouse in my life may the lord strike me down dead!

Justin- So where did dat gay nigga Lance go off to homies?

Chris- ::points to The Crackhead Around The Corner::reads sign:: Hey ya'll that sounds like me on any given monday through sunday!Well anyways Lance went to the "Little Girls Room" in there.

JC to Chris- WOW! Is that a Mickey Mouse Watch?

Chris- Yea, I went to Disn--

:: A lightning bolt cuts Chris short and kills JC instantly::

Chris-Be careful what you wish for.

Justin- Yo Praise God! Mad Love to Ya God! That bwah was gettin' on mah laz nerves. He look-A like a gwad-damn Rat!

Joey- Can I eat him? I'm hungry!

Chris and Justin- GO AHEAD.. EAT ALREADY

Joey- thanks you guys I was starving!

Justin- You ate 10 minutes ago man!

Joey- What I said! I was a starvin' marvin' for those 9 minutes!

Justin- Yo, Yo, let's go in an' Get Lance outta da Ladies room, he's probly scarin' mah womenz.

Joey ::belch!:: 'scuse me!

::Justin, Joey and Chris go in to get Lance::

::Bell on door rings::

Amanda- Welcome Crackheads!

Chris- Yo, do I know you lady?

LeighAnne- Woah Mandah! Look it's 2ge+her!

Amanda- OhmiGosh it *is* 2ge+her!

LeighAnne- Can we get your autographs! I *Can't Believe 2ge+her's in *MY* Store!

Manadh- I know, Right!?

The Remaining members of Nsync- WE'RE NOT 2GE+HER!

LeighAnne- Oh, so you broke up? How sad!

Mandah- Yea, that *TOTALLY* sucks!

LeighAnne- So sorry for you guys. My Backstreet Boys are going to stay nsync together.


LeighAnne- Oh my precious Backstreet Pride has been violated... like, Mandah, a little help over here! I think I'm going to Faint cause Nsync sucks like SOOOOOOOO Terribly bad and they copied my hunny bunny and stuff like that.

Mandah- ShutUp! Now you sound like, howie!

Mandah and Leigh ::giggles:: Mandah- Howie's like so totally Treasure Trolly!

Leigh- And that winky drooly thing is SO SO WAY ANNOYING! But Anyways back to 2ge+her.. I'm like so depressed to hear the bad news!

Nsulted Nsync Members- WE **ARE** NSYNC!

Mandah- Oh, get OUT!

Chris- No , we're for R-E-A-L!

Mandah- Yea, Like I fucking said, get out of this store.

LeighAnne- And take that queer kid over there with you, he's like destroying my daisies!

Mandah- That's a weed plant Leigh..

Leigh- Oh, yea, I forgot.. speaking of... roll me a blunt k? k.. thanks.

::Nsync w/ Lance go outside and into Justin's Benz:: Nsync Speeds off::

::5 MINUTES LATER-- BsB get Back from Mickey DeeS::

Nick- ::walking along trips on something::

Nick- Owie! That Hurt!

Howie-Oh Nicky-Poo! Are you okay?

Nick- I'm fine Howie Honey.. Kiss me you fool! :: Howie and Nick make-out::

Kevin- Won [pause] der what he tri[pause]-pped over.

Brian-He must've tripped on those black things over there... ::brian walks over and picks them up then gasps:: They're Mickey Mouse ears with the name JC written on them!

AJ- Nstink's been here! Let's go check on our womens! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2 BE CONTINUED! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

BaCk To ThE HoMePaGe !~!
