SoMe FaVoRiTe PiCs Of MiNe =0)

Okay here are some of my favorite pictures! Now please keep in mind that stealing is a crime, so don't steal my pictures...if you wanna use some , then ask me first and I might let you, depending on what pic you choose...I hope soon to have some pics that I myself have other words I may have a scanner soon. So EnJoY!

I don't know what I like about this picture....maybe it's in his carefree smirk? Oh and notice, it's the "NEW Times Square2000"

Can Anyone guess where this picture came from?? You Got It! "BSB 2 Hours" as I call it...I Love MTV... they're on an hour scale see:

1. BSB's Fav Vid's (5 Hours!)

2. BOTH BSB TV's added together.(1 Hour)

3. The Mentioned Above BSB T.V. (2 hours)

4. *ALL* The 1/2 hour long MTV News the bsb have been on since 1995 (yep..i got 'um ALL recorded) (15 hours...they've been on MTV news 30 times so far ... **NOTE** this subject to change b/c I won't keep up with it after this)

Thats 23 hours **PLUS** what I missed if any! Pretty Good if i say so Myself!

How Many Tapes Have You Used Girl!?!?! ... If You Must Know A recent count came up with 1057 videos... I record everything as many times as they come on if I can... so in case something happens to one tape, I'll have another... I got A whole BSB Library!=o)

Okay-- the photographer was on drugs... notice the blurriness of this picture..

A.J.~~What Do You Wanna Do Today Nick?

Nick~~Lemme Think...Oh,Oh, Yes! What I Do Everyday , Try To Take Over The World!

Brian~~Nick honnie, You're squeazing me tight...**tee, he** (sorry guys, I just *HAD TO!*)

Howie~~ **Wink, Wink, Drool**I hope no one notices that I "fell into the GAP"**Tee, Hee, I made a funny,and stuff like that!**... Isn't this ladies zip up tee shirt just *ADORABLE* on me And Stuff Like That?

Kevin~~ I'm (pause) C-O-(long pause)-O-L! I Look(pause) Like, (long pause...ponders...) **Slowly** Ay-Jay.

A Song Comes To Mind "Don't worry, be happy!"

Why Is Brian Kiss-N that there ball over yonder?

Well,If I was that ball, and he kissed me, I'd be happy too! =o)

Okay,that was stupid...NEXT!