CLuBs & oRgAniZaTiOnS I bELoNg To

Look!! I've found my old clubs&organizations file.. Originally put here because it was taking up too much space on my front page.. for now some of these may appear on the main page and in here, but give me time to sort out what goes where! I highly advise you to click on these links! ~MeL-MeL WARNING---CLICKING THIS AD BANNER WILL TAKE YOU OFF OF MY SITE AND ON TO SOMEONE ELSES!! DONT DO IT UNLESS YOU DONT WANNA STAY HERE!! =)
Backstreet Banner Exchange

Join this now!!! Musicians shouldn't have to take blame for something they did not do!
This page has adopted Brian Littrell! To adopt a Boy of your own Click Here!
look!! No Hard Feelings To You Teenyboppers...I've adopted Brian... aww...
This page has adopted Nick Carter! To adopt a Boy of your own Click Here!
oh, and since he's the one I kinda make fun of most... Here's that queer Nicky Gene...k? I make fun of Howie the most, but I don't wanna break another monitor by putting his ugly ass on my page!!!I've learned from that, plus who'd wanna stare at him?? I make fun of Kevin, but He's a retard so.... Not gonna make my page look stupid... I make fun of A.J. ... if my friend BEGS me..then *maybe* I'll adopt him too since she's in love, and a year older than me, and I don't wanna get beat up!! (J/P Arin, I know you wont do a thing like that, would you???)
The Backstreet Brawl: Click Here 
Now To Join!
yuck! we hate her!

FiNe, G0 H0mE! I see HoW iT iS!!!
