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Obituary for ~

John W. Shrider

Red Divider

The Chronicle-Herald, 28 March, 1958

Liscomb Mills - Funeral service for John W. Shrider,
78, who died here Saturday,
was held Monday at St. Peter's Church at Ecum Secum.
Born at Canso, his early life was spent
on south sea sailing vessels and other fishing boats
until ill health force him to retire.
He was the last member of the family of
Charles and Isabella Shrider.
He is survived by four daughters,
Isabel (Mrs. John Langille), Springfield,
Bernice (Mrs. S. Lypert), Porter's Lake,
Flora (Mrs. Garnet Munroe), Fairview,
and Bertha (Mrs. Lawrence Brown), New Glasgow;
four sons, Arnold and Hubert, Liscomb Mills,
Harry and Roderick, Halifax;
and a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Red Divider

Thanks to Betty Dobson for this obituary.

Red Divider

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