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Obituary for ~

William A. Sinclair

Red Divider

Tuesday, October 24, 1939
The Halifax Chronicle, Halifax, N.S.


GOSHEN, Oct. 23 - Word has been received
here of the death on Oct 12th at Jackson, California,
of William Alexander Sinclair,
at the early age of 55 years.
Mr. Sinclair who was well-known here was a native of
South River Lake, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sinclair.

He left here when a young man,
and worked in various mining fields in California, Arizona and Nevada,
finally locating in Jackson, where he soon rose
to be assistant superintendent of the Kennedy-Argonaut Gold Mine.
About eight years ago, he became superintendent
which position he filled with marked effciency.
Mr. Sinclair last visited his home in Nova Scotia,
about eight years ago. In June of this year,
he suffered a heart attack. With his wife, he spent
the summer at Pacific Grove, a resort on the coast,
returning to his home, just a few days previous to his death,
and apparently improved in health. News of his sudden passing
came as a shock to his relatives here with whom
he was a great favorite and who looked forward to his return to health
and a possible visit back to his old home again.
During the last great war, he served overseas
in the engineering corps of the A.E.F.
In addition to various other public offices,
he served terms as president of the Jackson division of the American Legion.

Deceased is survived by his wife, a native of California;
three sisters, Nellie (Mrs. John Sinclair), Bessie (Mrs. Harry Sinclair), Goshen;
Grace (Mrs. James Fraser), Bisbee; three brothers,
Huntly, Goshen; Donald, South River Lake; Robert, Vancouver.
A son, William, died in infancy.
Mr. Sinclair's death was the fourth break in the family circle
within the past four years.
His aged mother predeceased him only a few months.

Red Divider

Thanks to George Newbury for this obituary.

Red Divider

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