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Obituary for ~

Elwood A. Langley

Red Divider

The Eastern Chronicle, New Glasgow, N.S.,
Tuesday, Nov.22, 1938;
E.A. LANGLEY (Elwood)

The death took place at noon on Sunday of E.A. Langley,
merchant of New Glasgow, following an illness
that began when he was stricken with paralaysis,
and from which he never regained his former strength.

The deceased was born in Issac's Harbour,
Guysboro County on December 20, 1879.
In early life he became an engineer
in connection with the gold mining operations in Guysboro
and later joined in Halifax the staff of the London Life Insurance Company,
becoming the manager of the Halifax branch of that organization.
He resigned to join the McDonald Piano Company and for some years
had charge of its Saint John Branch.
Returning to Halifax he became associated with
the Maritime Realty Company that did so much in developing
the residential section on the western slopes of that city.
Mr. Langley came to New Glasgow about sixteen years ago
and identified himself with the furniture business,
for a time in partnerships and finally in his own store
at the present stand on Provost Street.
His interests continued to be varied and he was manager
and part owner of the Morrison Advertising Service. He never lost
his interests in gold mining and he had a firm grasp of the possibilities
of development in that regard in Nova Scotia and liked to discuss the prospects.

Personally Mr. Langley was a fine citizen
interested in the welfare of the town of his adoption
and here he made many friends. He was a keen business man,
and a good neighbour and a fine friend.
He won for himself a well established place
in the business life of New Glasgow and his death makes the town very much poorer.

The late Mr. Langley is survived by his wife, three daughters,
Alice, Gertrude and Lois and two sons,
Alfred and John all of New Glasgow who mourn the death
of a kind and loving husband and affecionate father.
Three sisters also survive, Mrs. J.M. Wilson, Mrs. R.G. Davidson
of New Glasgow and Mrs. Hattie Lathrop of Cranston, R.I.
One brother, William H. Langley resides in Truro.
Another brother John M. predeceased him ten years ago.

The funeral takes place this (Tuesday) afternoon
at 3 p.m. from his late residence to Lorne Street Cemetery.

Red Divider

Thanks to Carolyn Wallace for this obituary.

Red Divider

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