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Poetry by James H. Meyer


       I still remember the day I went to the
  hospital to see my little girl for the very
  first. She was so tiny and fragile but
  I couldn't wait to hold you in my arms
  and give a sweet kiss because you were
  my little girl.

       I remember watching you learn to
  sit and how proud your were when you
  finally did, I remember your first lounge
  as you tried to crawl and then how you
  got up on all fours and started to
  crawl, you crawled to me and I picked
  you up because your were my little girl.

       I remember as we put you in the
  little walker to teach you how to walk
  how proud you were when you pulled
  yourself to me, then I took the walker
  away and watched and cheered and you
  took your first steps because you were
  my little girl.

     Then came the time when I had to go
  away to a far off land and fight a
  foreign people I didn't know, and as I
  was over there I prayed everyday for the
  children I had to leave to fight a people
  I knew not why, but I thought about
  the little girl I left at home because you
  were my little girl.

       I went to a war and was in-charge
  of so many good young men, and I
  looked into their eyes and said I have to
  protect them everyone, and when I saw
  them fall one by one the pain I felt was
  beyond any I had felt before, they were
  so young and so innocent just like my
  little ones I had back home, I cried and
  I cried as they fell and said oh my God
  why is this so, and swore I'd never let
  my precious little one know what I had
  seen so I thought of my children back
  at home especially my little one because
  she was my little girl.

       When I returned home to my family
  I wasn't the same as before because of
  all the pain and sorrow that i had seen,
  I could tell a soul not even my family, I
  saw them did one by one and they were
  under my charge and I knew I couldn't
  protect them from there fate and it tore
  me deep inside to see them die right
  before my eyes,

       I had nightmares for a long time
  and I didn't know what to do so I hid
  them from you all for fear that you
  would find out what I had seen so all I
  did was think of you and tried to keep
  the pain away because you were my
  little girl.

       I watched you struggle all through
  school, I was so proud of all your A's
  and B's and rejoiced at your pride, and
  took you aside to help you bring the C's
  and D's back up to A's and B's because
  you were my little girl.

       Then came high school and you
  thought you were so big because you
  were just like your brothers and sisters,
  so big and so strong, I watched to
  become a beautiful young lady as you
  grew and was afraid id have to chase
  away all the boys as they came to
  swoon my little girl, i watched you
  dress for your first prom and cried
  because you'd grown so fast and I
  wanted you keep you my little girl.

       Them came the proudest day when I
  heard them call your name at
  graduation day because I knew that all
  you hard work had been so good and
  you were finally graduating and
  becoming a smart, beautiful young lady
  full of hope and joy of what was going
  to happen in this world to my little

       Well, as the years have come and
  gone we both have struggled to keep
  from crying at the thought of all the
  things that we gave done wrong in our
  lives, but I want you to know that you
  will always me daddy's little girl, and I
  will always want to protect you from
  all the bad that has happened in your
  life because you were daddies little girl.

       So as I write this poem to you I
  want you to know that I love you and
  always will know matter where you go
  and what you do I will be proud of you
  and will always say the you were my
  little girl.

© by James H. Meyer


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