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Double Oh Seven's Log

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Double Oh Seven's Log:
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"TIMBER!!!" *falling tree trunk*
"No, no, NO!!! Not that type of get it right or I'll put you in a red ensign's uniform and send you on one of Quirk's landing parties!"
"Yeah...SURE you are...Uh huh. Tell it to the judge. *Ahem* Now where was I? Oh, yes..."

June 19, 2002
Nearly two years have passed by. Not much added except for some Internet Bumper stickers. A few things have been deleted or re-arranged as well.

July 18, 2000
Woah...where'd the time fly? Two months between updates...but then, there's been longer times between updates here. And then there's times when I forget to add anything here, yet I know I updated. Anyway, todays update brings two poems that I wrote years ago. And a previous update brings in an actual fan-fic to this site.

May 15, 2000
I've added some vertual pets that I have gotten.

May 11, 2000
I added more jokes that I should have taken care of some time ago. *sigh* Better late than never, right?

May 6, 2000
For the record, I took an extended break from updating this site. Updates this time around include some funny sound bites.

December 24, 1999 I didn't update the jokes like I was going to. So what else is new? Well, actualy now that I've been asked... I've put up a page about Sev Trek. Now on to other business...I want to wish everyone a very happy holidays and a happy & prosperous new year.

November 16, 1999 I took some time off from editing, but within the past week and upcoming week or so, I'll be adding several Star Trek jokes to the file section. They're really worth reading.

September 27, 1999
Okay, so my b-day bombed, but I did get a kewl RPG (Role Playing Game) book... Of course I had to buy it for myself. And the cake & several other things...except lunch...My boss gave me a free meal (whomever said there's never a such thing as a free lunch doesn't know my boss...Thanks Jane!). Anywhoo...I have added a picture to the files section and put up the Link To This Site section.

September 11, 1999
I've added the mailing list, forum and guestbook...Links will be up shortly. Found a strange looking creature. It considered itself one of the Dogz from the Petz quadrant of the 'net. I figured I might as well assimulate him into this collective as my e-mail assistant. Still no real content (or inteligent life) here. Antisipation is high of upcoming birthday (September 17th).

September 6, 1999
After some much needed parody whatching, I started up Star Wreck. All names have been changed to protect the ignorant.

=/\= Index =/\=