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Non-3D Converting Guide

To convert a raw file from you need two programs: Paint Shop Pro 5 and Adobe PhotoDeluxe 2. To just cut down the size of a bmp to fit the right size for the game, you just need PhotoDeluxe 2. If you want to convert from a raw to bmp, read the following below. If you have downloaded something from G's site and have the BMP, you just need to cut it down, so click here

First open the raw file with PSP. The settings should be like this*

*If the raw file size is 192KB, then open it 256x256, if the size is 384KB, open it with 256x512
Save as a BMP file.

Now open the BMP file with PhotoDeluxe. Go to File>Send To>Index Color File

Next go to advance, like this

Finally set the options like this

Then save the file.