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Foolishly, you follow the faery

You open the door and find what you presume to be a library. Thousands of books line the walls and are scattered about on the floor. You see a beautiful young woman sitting in one corner, turning the pages of a huge leather bound book, quite unconcerned with her nakedness. She turns when you enter and you note in amazement that this is the faery grown to human size. You see many strange objects scattered around her and wonder at thier use. Movement out of the corner of your eye makes you look down and you see a tiny winged imp scury across the floor toward the woman. You gasp in alarm, but she reaches out and absently pats the little daemon on the head, never taking her eyes off the book before her... you wonder what she is reading.

She turns suddenly and you give a start... depthless blue eyes gaze on you mirroring back your own soul.

"What is it, the more you take, the more you leave behind?" she looks at you quizically.

"Riddles?" you say, "You ask me riddles?"

"No," she sighs, "That is not the right answer." She stands up and in a shimmer disolves into the tiny light and winks out. You look down, but the daemon has also dissapeared. You sit beside the book and peer down at its yellow pages and find it to be a book of riddles indeed but with no answers. Being curious by nature you are determined to figure them out.

(Highlight with your mouse beneath the riddle for the answer if you can't figure it out.)

If you look you cannot see me, if you see me you cannot see anything else. Sometimes I speak the truth and sometimes I lie. If I lie I am nearer the truth.

'Twas in heaven pronounced, 'twas muttered in hell, an echo caught faintly the sound as it fell. On the confines of earth it was permitted to rest, and in the depths of its presence there was confessed.
the letter "E"

Two bodies have I, though both joined in one, the longer I stand the quicker I run.
an hourglass

No head has he, but he wears a hat. No feet has he but he stands up straight. On him perhaps a faery once sat, weaving a spell one evening late.
a mushroom

Be you ever so quick with vision keen, by your eyes we are never seen. Unless by chance it should come to pass, you see our reflection in a looking glass.
your reflection

I'm as small as an ant, as big as a whale. I'll approach like a breeze, but can come like a gale. By some I am hit, but all have shown fear. I'll dance to the music, though I can't hear. Of names I have none, of names I have one. I can be as slow as a snail, but from me you can't run.
a shadow

My first is a creature of unclear breeding, my second a price you pay. My whole can be found in the river of time and refers to the events of today.

Some will use me, while others will not. Some have remembered while others forgot. For profit or gain I'm used expertly. I cannot be picked off the ground or tossed in the sea. Only gained from patience, or time. Can you unravel my rhyme?

I am a window, I am a lamp, I am clouded, I am shining and I am coloured. Set in white I fill with water and overflow. I say much though I have no words.
an eye

Highborn, my touch is gentle, purest white is my lace. Silence is my kingdom and green is the color of my death.

Two brothers are we, great burdens we bare, all day we are bitterly pressed. Yet this I will say, we are full all day, and empty when we go to rest.

Cannot be seen, cannot be felt. Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills and empty holes, it fills. Ends life, kills laughter.

We are very little creatures, all of us have different features. One of us in glass is set, one of us you'll find in jet. Another you may see in tin, and the forth is boxed within. If the fifth you should pursue, it can never fly from you.
the vowels: a e i o u y

Today he is there to trip you up, and he will torture you tomorrow. Yet he is also there to ease the pain when you are lost in grief and sorrow.
Jack Daniels (alcohol)

A man who is not a man saw and did not see a bird that is not a bird in a tree that was not a tree; he hit and did not hit it with a stone that was not a stone; how can this be?
the man was an eunuch, he was half blind in the dark, the bird was a bat, the tree was the top of the cave, he missed hitting it with... if you know what the stone was then email me immediately!

While looking through the book you come upon a strange thing pressed within its pages. You grimace at the pressed faery and shut the book in disgust.

(E-mail me with answers to riddles at:

Which door do you choose?

The red door
The blue door
The black door
See the pressed faery