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Britney Spears: The Goddess

Britney Spears: The Goddess

Welcome to My Britney Spears Page! This page is going to be updated as often as possible, so please check back often and see new things. Thanks for coming. Also, thanx to the below page (Britney World) for the background image. Check Back Often, I'm always updating! Thanx and have fun.

- Josh

Hey, I'm giving this webpage a whole new look due to a book I have just acquired, so it should be running nice and awesome here pretty soon. I also plan to add some new things, like info, letters from Britney, and other stuff like that so come back soon! Thanx 4 Stopping by!

*Site Began 6.10.99*

*Last Updated 2.9.00*

Want to see a sweet Britney site? Check out theBritney HQ

My Skateboarding Webpage... It's sweet!
My Homepage... pretty good!


Britney Bio

Britney Links

Britney Gallery

Awards I've Won

Web Rings I'm In

***NEW***Link Me***NEW***

About Me


Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with Britney Spears, I am just a fan. This page is not endorsed or anything by Britney Spears. All copyrights belong to their respective companies. The pictures found on these pages are not mine and I do not want to claim them as mine. I have collected them from many sites across the interent. I will try to link their pages. If you see some pictures on here which are fringing on any copyrights ot legal issues, please e-mail me and I will take them off as soon as possible. Thank you.
