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Last Updated
Oct 8, 1999

College Football
Pro Wrestling
Sports Quiz
Recommended Sites
Personal Stuff
Portland Baseball
Pulp Fiction
Personal Sites


If you've noticed something differnet you're right. This is my totally revamped page. Coming are more thrills, more spills and a lot more things then i had on the page before. Hopefully all of the links will work now :o)! I put a lot of work into this, so and i hope y'all enjoy what you see.

A quick summary for ya. There is stuff about me (The Guy ...), and some of my favorite sites (Fav Sites). Match wits against me by taking my Sports Quiz or enjoy sound clips and pictures of my favortie movie Pulp Fiction. Wrestling is fake but it is still fun so check out my Pro Wrestling page. Check my 1999 University of Oregon Football Preview and if you have some time check out my best friend's page. Actually Jeff has a excellent page.

Any comments, suggestions, or threats can be sent to