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Hello,and Welcome to my homepage!

WHAT'S NEW?'s about 2205 Saturday the 21st of January 2006, and it's been a long time since I updated this website! Today, Beau left for Iraq. It is hurting me so bad! I figure this is probably the best way for me to get my feeling out, and to hopefully stop crying. It's been nonstop since I got home around 1500. It's just he's been home for so long, and I just hate him having to leave us. It hurts more when Kyle goes "where daddy go" I just start balling....or earlier when I was crying, he comes up to me and says you alright and gets a baby wipe to wipe the tears off my face. He is definitly the sweetest little boy! I know most people would love to get rid of there husband/wife for a few months, but not me! I can't stand to see him go for even a day!!! It tears me up inside. Usually it takes about a week to get things back to normal, so hopefully with us being able to talk to him while he is over there, that will help. I'm already thinking of things to put in care packages for him. Kyle will send pictures he draws or colors, and I'll be sure to get some pictures of us in his hummer too. We bought a 2006 Hummer H3 on the 17th of January's a beauty! Here's a picture of Beau standing beside it before he left today. Well that's all for now, Kyle's sleeping, so I think i'll be heading on to bed day closer to him coming home!

Here are the sections of our homepage-Just click on whichever section you want to view

The Wedding

About me

My USMC Page

Pictures(There are lots!)

The Family Page

About Beau and I

Ways you can contact me or Beau

CAX 9 & 10 July 2001, CAX 9/10 2002 Is Below

Battle Griffin(Norway-21 Feb 2002-19 Mar 2002)

Beau's 21st Birthday Pictures.

Deeohgee-Our Ferret

Dynamic Mix '02-Zaragoza, Spain-May/June 2002

CAX 9/10 2002

USS BATAAN-**~~**NEW**~~**


Pictures Beau took while he was in Iraq.


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This Page was last updated on: Saturday, 21 January 2006 @ 2211.

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