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WHO'S HOT! (1975)


2nd SkateBoarder Magazine Interview part II

How about land vehicle?

What are some of the highlights of your career?
One of the highlights is being in a helicopter with the Godfather, flying over Hanalai Bay about 20 feet above the water and watching unreal surfing and getting intense "G" force. It was unreal. The European trip, I met a lot of nice people, a lot of nice girls. Australia, surfing some good waves. There is a lot more, for sure. Gotta keep thinking. Mt. Baldy, being one of the first people to kick-turn in a pool, stuff like that.

Have you ever been arrested?
Yep. That’s another reason I keep low-key. It was for a ridiculous reason. It was for pointing a toy gun at somebody. A toy gun. I was with Nathan Pratt and we were on the Coast Hwy., and it was idiotic, we actually got arrested for it. When I was about 12 years old we were throwing smoke bombs in my neighbors window, and we got in trouble for that. There were other times, just stupid times. The only one time I got arrested, though, was the time I pointed the toy gun at somebody when we were just having fun. After that there were so many close calls, I realized you’ve gotta maintain. You’ve gotta do things at the right time; you can’t do the wrong things at the wrong times. That’s why I straightened up a bit. What I mean by "straightened up" is, I try to do things where it’s cool, and I try not to do them where it ain’t cool. Some people can’t understand that.

Are groupies much of a problem?
In what way?

Well, Gregg Ayres had asked you why you had a phone number under an assumed name.
Because I don’t want people calling my house. I don’t like prank calls. I don’t take advantage of groupies, either. I don’t know, they’re there I guess. They’re good for business.

Have you ever had an electric shock?

Was it 110 or 220 volts?
I don’t know it was enough to throw me.

Have you ever had you life pass before your eyes?

Who do you think are up-and-coming skaters?
Two that I work closely with are Alan Gelfand and Ray Bones. Ray Bones could already win pro contests. In fact, he already has won a few, but he’s going to stay amateur until he’s ready to go pro. That kid’s insane. And Alan Gelfand, man, he’s heavy. He’s a perfect example of a guy doing something that people can’t understand because it’s so radical that people aren’t going to be doing it for a long, long time. He’s been doing this move called the Ollie pop for two years and people still aren’t doing it like he does. He does aerials with no hands, ollie Airs; man, those things are insane.

What do you think of the ISA?
There’s a lot of people giving them garbage and getting down on them and stuff. I gotta say they ain’t making a lot of money. They’re not into it for the money. They’re there for the benefit of the sport. All these guys that get down on them are the guys that get nothing out of ‘em. Like, they’ve sent a lot of people, including myself, around the world, getting us trips and things like that. They’re kinda like agents in a way. They get you a trip and you pay them 10% and you make out like a bandit. The problem is, a lot of skaters complain that they’re making the rules. But everytime they call a meeting, nobody shows. None of the people show; the ones that don’t show are usually the ones that complain about not having any unity or about this or that. The ISA does the best it can. They’ve lost a lot of money by getting skaters jobs and never receiving the 10%. I just think they’re working their butts off and not getting much in return.

Who’s your favorite Las Vegas nightclub entertainer?
I like Don Rickles. Who’s that guy that gets no respect?

Steve Martin?
Not him. He’s good. Steve Martin’s funny as shit.

Rodney Dangerfield?
Yeah, Dangerfield’s funny. Martin Mull and Monty Python are my favorites.

So, what was the last time you stole something?
Stole something? Uh, I try not to steal. Too much afraid it would get stolen from me.

Do you believe in the law of karma?
Heavily; totally.

Is it true you’ve been reading mind control books?
Mind control?

Edgar Casey?
That’s not really mind control. Just interesting things.

What’s your favorite fishing lure?
I don’t know.

Favorite fish?
Swordfish, lobster, mahi mahi, probably.

Who’s your favorite western star?
Was Sky king a western star?

Do you have any advice or parting comments?
Do what you feel is good. Do what you want to do. Have a good time.