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The Wacky Files

Why hello there and welcome to The Wacky Files. I know, you're now wondering what I am going to do with this. Well, I'm going to post wacky stories, insights and just the strange ramblings that are going on in the inside of my head. So sit back and enjoy.

7/17/2001 at 12:01 AM

Okay, so since this is my first entry, we'll just write anything wacky thats in my head. At first, well, I thought this was going to be an entire thing on Bras, since I was just commenting to them with my friend Em, but than I decided why stop at bras, why not just go off on something about everything and anything female.

So to stary off with, I'll give ya a little warning, at this time of night, with a lack of sleep from the night before and lots of caffine running through my body, I will not behold myself responsible for anything that I am about to say. Take everything to heart and be scared of nothing.

Okay, now my first question is to all those girls out there visiting my webpage, DON'T BRAS SUCK?!?!?!? I mean come on, a guy must have invented them to try and torture us woman. Okay, so maybe this is just a little to much thinking. Lets go into say frontlobe thinking. Okay, here's the thought, a guy invented them at first to push a womans chest up higher so they could get an eye full and hopefully some later one. Now if your wondering what some is, than maybe you shouldn't be on this website. My thought? The one above...your thoughts, I don't know, so email them to me at and let me know.

Okay, here's one I know every woman will have to go trhough and bitch about (Oh no, she said a curse) and yes, please shut up voices, I said a curse. Going to the OBGYN. Okay, lets just say this, they suck. Well, not literally I hope, but they do. I mean, that must have been another invention by a guy. Why would a woman want to look at other womans private parts and feel inside of them to see if everything is okay. Okay, so why bitch about woman because I'd rather see a woman than have some strange guy putting his hands in places they shouldn't be(oh yeah, we know who you'd want to ...) okay, mental note, see Psychologist about those voices, they need to be shut up before they say to much. I mean okay, so we go see "the Doctor" once a year, unless of course you're pregnant, than you get to see them once a month or every two weeks, but once a year is enough. I mean they do something wrong, move something the wrong way and you're going through the roof, screaming at notes you never knew possible {for the guys reading, if you wanna know, just come find me and I'll kick you in the nether regions and you can tell me how that feels (Oh, she's becoming deadly)}. And all for what? To hopefully get told nothings wrong, come back in a year, oh wait are you 18? Here's some birth-control just incase, take one a day at the same time and don't forget. Okay, so here's another thing...I mean will anything really bad happen if you skip one pill, well unless of course you're sleeping around and you get pregnant, but thats not bad unless you take it bad in which case, go to hell, I can't wait to have kids. But I mean come on, the pill is annoying. And some people act like its a big thing, like oh now you have permission to sleep around, like no you idiots, its now been proven that by being on the pill, you cut down on cervical cancer, and no I am not saying run and get the pill so you can have sex, talk to your mothers and doctors girls before you run out and put yourself on it.

Okay, another thing, what is it about guys always wanting to know whats going on inside womans minds? I mean we wanna know whats going on inside of yours but do you tell us? Oh no, you just shut down and block that part out, not bothering to say anything going on inside of your minds. Well, you wanna know something guys, you are the only ones who think about sex, sure we don't think about its 23 and a 1/2 hours a day but we do think about it. And we talk about it with our friends and gee, we talk about it at sleep-overs. I mean yes, there are complex things going on inside of a womans head too. Like well, what does he think of me and am I to fat and you know, I swear that guy looks like George Clooney {or some other name actor ( or boyfriend) okay, I'm going to kill the voices} or something, plus we're also thinking about fixing the car and making the guys do the house work around the house for once and above all, wishing that a guy would papmer us like they do in the movies and bring us flowers and tell us how special we are, not always assuning that we know it. And the big secret, that woman want to know, What's going on inside a guys head...guys, to answer this and have it posted on the website, send your answers to care of Jenn with the subject line "What Guys think" and that'll be our next topic. Girls, you have an answer for that question, feel free to send me an email too.

Its now 12:18 and I'm going to stop my ramblings. The above is not meant to harm anyone in anyway, nor should it be taken seriously in all parts. Most of its a joke and most of its just things floating around in my head. So, please, if you have a problem with the above, send an email to and voice it out to me. The time is now 12:20 at the beep and I will be going to bed soon to dream my sweet dreams that I enjoy of certain people.

7/20/2001 at 11:28 PM

Why hello everyone. You know tonight, I really don't know what to write. I mean nothing wacky, strange or anything has been going on lately. It's amazing really. I mean interesting thing at work? George comes up says wow, after 3 days you got your numbers? I love you...and than I go, yeah but I'm leaving in a week so he goes, oh really? I hate you than. But thats not really interesting. What else? Umm...nothing really. If you have anything funny, wacky, strange or you just wanna share, send them to me!!!! It's now 11:32 and I am signing off for the night, so send me those stories.

7/28/2001 at 10:13 PM

Well, there is this really interesting guy who comes into my work. We actually have a few who come into my work. The first one we shall call 'glue guy'. He came in two weeks ago on my first week and talked to Jessica for a return. Well he brought in this tube of glue that was obivous that it was a few years old and went, its not coming out you try and use it and it won't come out. So she took out her car keys and dug the glue out because it was clogged and handed it back to him and he went, but I want my money back and she asked him for his reciet and he said I don't have it and she said well store policy is that we can not take it back. So he left, but he came in tonight while I was the Customer Service Representive and he kept going give me my money back and let me get a new one, but I couldn't because he had no reciet, so I got my manager and she kept telling him no reciet, no returns. So he finally left. My other favorite person who comes in is 'house paint man'. He comes in Monday morning when Nicoles on the floor and Lynard is the only manager on. So he asks me, where's your house paint and I'm like we don't have house paint. So he walks around the stores, buys some air fresheners and leaves. Comes in 20 minutes later and asks my manager, where's your house paint to where he says we don't have house paint. So the guy leaves. He comes back again in another 20 minutes and asks for house paint. I tell him we don't have any and he leaves. Thursday morning, I'm there alone and he comes in. asks me where house paint is and I say we don't have it. He walks around and comes back up, asking me where house paint is. So me, being fed up and all, say Isle 2 and he comes back with 6 cans of cherry red spray paint.

8/12/2001 at 12:01 am.

Okay, I'm sitting here and I'm listening to Nina Gordon's "Tonight and for the rest of my life" and it got me thinking. I mean really thinking and no matter what anyone says or does, there is a tonight, but there is never a for the rest of my life. I mean, you can love someone for the rest of your life, but some how, fate will find a way to ruin that. Let's work with some examples from TV first before we move onto my personal life. First of all, let's go with Mark Greene and Susan Lewis from ER. They were best friends, but he never acted on his feelings and she left. When did he confess his love? Right before she left on a train. Now, this fall, she comes back, but it can't be, because he's with Elizabeth now. Thats MSRER, nothing can possibly change that. The next is NeXis or Ned and Alexis from General Hospital. They're soul mates, you can see the love they have for each other, you might not want to admit it, but there is a love there, yet their families are keeping them apart. I mean I didn't watch Dawson's Creek, but didn't Dawson lose the girl he wanted and what about Caroline in the City, she lost her true love. So I mean, sure, there might be this thing called true love, but why does everyone think its going to last forever? Yes, you might find the one true soulmate for your life, but somehow, fate will find a way to break it up. It's cruel that way. You might have a year together, 20 years, or even 50 years...or it might only be say 6 months, but it will end. Yes, that love you feel for the other will always be in your heart, nothing can change that, nothing at all. I mean, its a part of your soul and the entire being that you're made up of, but if you let yourself be to happy, than...fate will find some way to ruin it. I don't know why, but there is something that says okay, you can be happy this long, but thats it. You can get, say 6 months of happiness at a time and than poof, its gone. And it doesn't always have to be in your love life. It can be your life to. Take for example, spending the first seven years of your life with someone, they help raise you, they're like a mother to you and you love them to death, yet you have so much trouble expressing how you feel because you're so afraid of being hurt by rejetion, of being alone, and than, they get so sick and you have to watch them suffer for 3 months, never knowing if the next breath they take will be their last. Just sitting there and seeing the one person in the entire world that you love with your entire being and who excepts you for everything you are, every good thing; the kindness you have, the love you feel for people, the little things you do to help people, the way you brighton someone's life; and also all the bad things, the way you push everyone close to you away because you're afraid of losing them, the somewhat childish way you look at everything because its the only way you can because you know how much pain and suffering occurs in the world, imagine if this person suddenly leaves you and than you lose someone else close to you. It tears your world apart. And it also makes you think. Think about everything you had done to the person who you were so in love with, the person who you loved for five years and yet can't say it to them because you've never been able to say those words to anyone except the person who excepted you for everything and they died and left you alone, here to fight everything alone, to stand up and have to deal with everything on your own. But you slowly let this person in, scared about whats going to happen, so insecure about each breath you take, about every little thing you do because you're scared that something will cause this person to suddenly see something wrong in you, and yet they don't, so you relax your guard, you let them in, and than, just like it has, your happy again, and fate yet again comes in and decides you've been happy to long, its time to end it. Why does fate have to do this to us, play with our minds and out hearts, dealing us so much heart break when so many people we love, we care about and we let into our hearts leave, for no reason, just leave, that fate takes them away from us and makes us suddenly feel so small again, leaving us to deal with all our fears again. The only good thing that comes out of this, this thing that fate keeps sending to us is that we slowly learn that we have to be alone, that we must stand on our own and fight for ourselves and learn that we can never depend on someone else for anything that we need to depend on ourself and not anyone else. How can we, at some point in our life, bring an innocent life into this world and try and raise it when fate seems to have other plans for us. It'll let us be happy for some time, but than, it will do something to cause us pain. Kill loved ones, numerous times on dear days until you don't want to celebrate any holiday or birthday because to many deaths our assocaited with them, to let people into our lives when we know at some point, fate is going to have to take them away and show us that, no matter what we do, no matter how hard we try, we'll never be truely happy? Why? The time is now 12:17 am, and I'm going to let you ponder that for some time.

To get the lyrics to Nina Gordon's song, please go here. Nina Gordon's Lyrics and check out Tonight and for the rest of my life.

8/26/2001 at 7:27 PM

Well, you know, life is funny. I don't even know why, but it is. I mean, everyone is always complaining, ewww, how can you still be a sue me, I haven't met the right person yet. (can you wait about seven years before you sue me though?) And come on...I mean, if you don't meet right person, than there's just no point, okay so the real truth, I have an IQ of 158 and until a few years ago, I believed that I had to be the perfect child, but no more. And school, what a joy that is. Okay, I like school and all, I mean I like learning, but I don't like the early hours that I need to get up. It's just...icky. Okay, so I have to get up earlier for work, but it doesn't mean that I have to like it. Hehehehe. this time, I smell, so I'll be back later.