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My Poems

Hello and welcome to My Poem page. Here I will post my poems that I have written over the years. This page and all material on this page is copy writed by Internet Laws, Our Little World and The International Poetry Group. Please do no remove any of the items of this page without the permission of Me.

This first poem I have won awards for and it has been published in 3 international poetry books. I orginally wrote this poem in Latin, so it has been translated to English.

Thorn of Rose

On this thorn of rose I pray
That my love shall continue
For I but go, I bid farewell
My love go on in one
With this blood of mine, I sign my name
Not my family, nor my friends
Have enough love for me to go on
But one is enough for thee, and that one has gone
My sorrow shall fall like rain on hateful days
Do not come forth thee, do not stop thee
My blood shall cover the hands of all
Who tried to stop my own Romeo
'Tis but my day go on
With this red rose and thorn
I DIE for thee, he DIE for thee
We DIE together, our love go on
And with this last breath
I pray that my love go on
Do not DIE for thee, you must LIVE for thee.

My next few poems have been published in books over different areas.

Sweet Temptation

Sweet temptation of star
and moon a sky upon
I think I see your eyes again
watching me as I sleep
why do you watch me so
if you love another
why must it be I who feels
so much and yet feels so
little in return from you
unless deep down inside
you feel a love for I that
I know nothing about
and if you feel a love for I
than why can I not know about it
tell me upon the rising of the sun
gaze into my eyes the same colur
as yours are and holding the same mystery
and tell me that you love me so
tell me that I am the beauty in your life
the one that makes the world see colur ful
tell me that I make the wind whisper
a sweet song each time I pass
gaze into my eyes and tell me one
true thing from the bottom of your heart
tell me I am your moi amour ami


Sun and stars
shine bright through
night and day

love and hate
hide in hours
upon each hour


Oh there was a time
when I thought the world was gray
and that all the color in my life had left
but I was wrong, because I found you.
Yes I found you.

And when you walked into my life,
you brought the color that I knew was missing
I don't know how and I don't know when
but you brought the color back to my life

It started out as something simple.
Something I didn't plan on happening
but for some strange reason I found
myself looking for the life you brought back with you

And when you walked into my life
you brought the color that I knew was missing
I don't know how and I don't know when
But you brought the color back to my life

Now I find myself wishing you were here more
and we had something more than we have
but I know thats not the case right now
as I sit here and watch you go about your life

And when you walked into my life
you brought the color that I knew was missing
I don't know how and I don't know when
But you brought the color back to my life

I wish it could be as simple
as the saying boy meets girl
or love at first sight
but for some reason its been made a pain
something that won't happen easily

And when you walked into my life
you brought the color that I knew was missing
I don't know how and I don't know when
But you brought the color back to my life

So I'll sit here until the end of time
and watch as the stars pass the moon
I'll sit here and wait until you come to your senses
and realize I'm the one for you.

And when you walked into my life
you brought the color that I knew was missing
I don't know how and I don't know when
But you brought the color back to my life

The Meaning Of Life?

Can you show me the meaning of life
as we stand here passing each other in a blaze
Can you please explain to me why it always ends this way
when we know we should change it somehow

And can you bring me the moon back on a tray
with the sun sitting there too
Toss in some stars and a planet
Since I think your the universe
I'll sit here until the end, waiting for you to come
so that maybe you can explain to me, the meaning of
life as you see it.

Can you show me what I did wrong
so I don't do it yet again
Can you please explain to me why I did it again
standing here giving my heart away to thee

And can you bring me the moon back on a tray
with the sun sitting there too
Toss in some stars and a planet
Since I think your the universe
I'll sit here until the end, waiting for you to come
so that maybe you can explain to me, the meaning of
life as you see it.

Can you show me the meaning of love
now that I think I understand it
Can you please explain to me how one person can
love someone so much and yet not get any love in return

And can you bring me the moon back on a tray
with the sun sitting there too
Toss in some stars and a planet
Since I think your the universe
I'll sit here until the end, waiting for you to come
so that maybe you can explain to me, the meaning of life as you see it.

Can you show me as the time passes
each and every time I messed up
Can you please show me where I did wrong
so as I do not mess up again.

And can you bring me the moon back on a tray
with the sun sitting there too
Toss in some stars and a planet
Since I think your the universe
I'll sit here until the end, waiting for you to come
so that maybe you can explain to me, the meaning of
life as you see it.


I am a rose, delicate and sweet but
with thorns who can hurt you in a second.
I am the wind, quietly moving from here
to there but with a force to move you.
I am a kitten, playful and tender with the
gracefulness to glide.
I am emotions, something so strong and yet a
mystery trying to be unlocked.
I am strength, growing more powerful next to
you and yet you don't know it.
I am the moon, shining down upon your life,
crazy one minute and calm the next.
I am a mouse, quite and shy, not sure of
what's to come or where to go.
I am the stars, far away and distance,
wanting to be touched, but alone.
I am the sun, bright, fierce and warm,
fighting to the last breath.
I am me.