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Natural Equine Therapy Center

The Center for Education through Movement and Natural Horsemanship

• Confidence • Time & money
• Effective communication
• Fun with your horse • Feel, timing & balance

Trail Rider or Competitor, Instructor or Student…
- Have you lost trust - in yourself or your horse?
-Do you wish your body would do easily what your
mind pictures - with more finesse?

What's the Solution?

NETC offers a whole-istic approach to Equestrian Life, accessing the inherent abilities and talents of both horse and rider. They offer assistance for the rider to understand the horse's point of view and teach the horse how to feel safe, and therefore willing, in the human's world.

NETC's goal is to educate and assist in correcting imbalances in a natural, non-invasive manner, for the horse and rider to live in a more relaxed happier state of mind and with healthier bodies.

NETC uses such programs as Equine Empathology (not--as in animal comunicators), nutritional planning, herbs and homeopathy, body work, Touch for Health (not--LTJ TTEAM), perception re-patterning, Educational Kinesiology, and many others.

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Natural Equine Therapy Center

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We offer a whole-istic approach to Equestrian life, accessing the inherent abilities and talents of both horse and rider. We offer assistance for the rider to understand the horse's point of view and teach the horse how to feel safe, and therefore willing, in the human's world.

Our goal is to educate and assist in correcting imbalances in a natural, non-invasive manner. To enable the horse and rider to live in a more relaxed happier state of mind and with healthier bodies.

We use such programs as Equine Empathology, nutritional planning, herbs and homeopathy, body work, Touch for Health, perception re-patterning, Educational Kinesiology, and many others.

Applied Kinesiology techniques are employed to allow the brain/body to tell us what is needed to help with a particular imbalance

The owner is shown and encouraged to use Natural Horsemanship methods, and any 'lifestyle' changes that would benefit horse or owner is then recommended.

Basic premise is this:

You have an experience, you react ( the behavior), you have a particular feeling come up (the emotion), and these two put together form a belief (the perception). You hold this in your subconscious til a situation occurs that brings it forward and the pattern begins again. However, what served you well in the past is now holding you back because it doesn't apply and /or isn't appropriate. (most of our currently held beliefs came from events that we perceive as negative, even traumatic, that we experienced as children)

By the way, the situation doesn't have to be the same. Many of the beliefs that are holding back the people I see, don’t have anything to do with horses, but its affecting them in this and many other areas of life.

The other component is when some area of our mind/brain shuts down, it affects a corresponding part of the body. This is where Brain Gym and Educational Kinesiology comes in.

Brain Gym has been chosen by the presidential task force on learning --the National Learning Foundation-- as one of the 12 most effective methods to overcome learning disabilities.

Though that word, disability may be distasteful to some, aren't we all learning disabled in some way or another? Amazingly, people can usually get done whatever they want to, for those that can't seem to quite get there--are they not 'made of the right stuff'? I certainly don't think that is the case, do you?We just help the trip to be a little easier for them-we don't 'do it' for them-just move away some of the obstacles.
