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11/20/03 Today's Revelation: Increasing Psychic Abilities

You sometimes hear that psychic powers increase whenever you assert yourself
in an activity that requires listening with your mind. Meditation, for example,
lends a helping hand to this theory. Practiced regulary, meditation leads to
a heightened state of spiritual awareness of all things around you that project
energy. Take it a step further, when you want to increase your psychic abilities,
do something artistic, creative and something that builds self-confidence.
Anything that invites your mind's eye to activate. Showing compassion,
communicating with and counseling others stimulates your psychic
abilities. Each time you interact with someone, you unknowingly send out
mental feelers to read what is happening with that person. You are listening
with your mind and monitoring this person's energy on a subtle level.

Everyone has psychic abilities, some more active than others. To increase these
abilities follow the steps above and learn not to block out the information you
read or pick up and then learn how to interpret it.

So what are you waiting for? Do something positive for yourself and others!

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