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Site last updated: 25 December 2005 w00t w00t

~Megan's Homepage~

Megan Marie

Aspiring Actress, Singer, and Dancer
Biola Babe... woot woot
I live in Calfornia!

Wow... I really haven't updated this page for the longest time... so I thought I'd do a little revamping while I have the time.

College is going well. I just finished up my hardest semester, and so far I've gotten six A's and one A-. I'm still awaiting one grade, so we'll see how that goes.

I am nearly done being a teenager. Scary.

See, that's when I cut my hair. now I'm growing it out. Once it gets long, maybe I'll put a new picture or two up there. maybe.

I haven't really written anything for a while. I mean, I've written papers, but those aren't too interesting to read. Maybe once I get inspired I'll put something new on here. Until then, enjoy the old stuff, or go to The Young Writers Club and look for stories and poems by "kinky." That's me.

edit: I wrote an article and submitted it to my school newspaper, The Chimes and they published it and paid me for it too! I am very proud of myself. Makes me want to write more :)

I'm currently feeling

To see some of the other stories I have written, Click Here!

~All About Me~

To check out my other cool home page, Click Here!

Or you could go here.

What have I been up to lately? Check out my journal!

Here is my first attempt at a table. I know the info is repeated, but hey, I only have so many links, right??
Megan's List-o-Links
*Fun New Page*
Some Pictures
More Pictures
Cheesy Webpage

woohoo, yay me!! :-)
And just because I'm proud of my mad-html skills, here goes a drop-down menu... brace yourself!

ok so I need more links... any suggestions? How about this?

UnDeR cOnStRuCtIoN (please have patience)

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