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Todd and Tea

Weren't these some great scenes? It was great when Téa admitted that she loved Todd. And now there are spoilers that TnT will kiss passionately! Hang on to your hats, 'coz the roller coaster ride isn't over yet!

Welcome to my little haven on the web celebrating the best soap couple ever---Todd and Tea Manning! This site was created primarily as an archive for TnT fan fiction, but you will find a few pictures and media shows, too. I have used beautiful web graphics to set off each story, some lent to me by very kind graphics artists and the most recent ones I have made myself. So, sit back, relax and let yourself remember the angst, the fun and the LOVE that was TnT....

Write to Mary

Disclaimer: The stories that appear here and their copyrights are the sole property of the respective authors, and may not be used without permission, except for printing for personal reading. The characters and images from the program "One Life to Live" are the property of ABC Television. Their use on this site is for educational purposes. This site is not endorsed or affiliated with ABC Television.

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