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Welcome to Kristi Templeman's Page!

Hello! My name is Kristi. I am 21 years old and I live in Northern California in a city no one has ever heard of! I am a college student at CSU Stanislaus and I also work part-time. I am currently taking one class during the winter term called Personal Computing. I have learned quite a bit including how to use Excel, Word, and Powerpoint. I am planning to graduate this year and get a degree in Organizational Communication. I hope you enjoy my page!

My Stats:
My Favorite Web Sites

A Brady Bunch Page
Try Your Luck At Some Wheel of Fortune
Send Some Free Virtual Flowers
Visit the Great America Site!
Here's A List Of MIDI Songs You Can Listen To
Southwest Airlines: My Airline of Choice
Send A Postcard

Kristi's Poll
What do you mostly use your computer for?

Researching information
Chatting/Voice Chat
Buying Stuff
I don't use the computer...I'm on a friend's computer!

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