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This is my web page


get this gear!

             Hello everyone. My page is back up and running now. Its still under construction. I am finding new things all the time. Everyone please feel free to come back to my page.

             I have ICQ JustClick here to download it. To contact me just Click here Both of these links SHOULD work. I have one more account. For that oneClick here. If you haven't downloaded ICQ yet and you don't want to follow any of those links click this icon

             I also have AIM. Also called AOL(America On-Line)Instant Messagner.To download this Click download on the remote. It will also help you add me to your list. so lets get started.

Download AIM 2.0AIM Remote
Send me an Instant Message
Add me to Your Buddy List
Join my Chat Room
Send me an Email
Add Remote to Your Page
Download AOL Instant Messenger

Have fun look at the rest of my page!!!

             There are a lot of things on my page that you might enjoy takeing a look at. I have been updateing this page a lot cuz I find it fun. So I have decided to change the links to all of my other pages. So I have lots of Pictures. They are of my self (more to be added soon). I also have a page just full of Poems that I wrote my self.

             Hmmm If you haven't found anything interesting yet there will be a page soon of stuff. This stuff that I talk about is a complet Page Of Me (This page is never gonna be completly done, but at least there is something up now.) I will be working on this page as soon as I can now. There is also a Random Thoughts page, but it isn't up yet. It should be sometime tomorrow though. (December 25th). Also just added a list of all my MP3 list. I will trade or give if you have nothing good.

             My money links weren't working, so I have decided to creat a page deicated to just that. So NOW lets learn how to Make Money In this part I explain better about the programs than I did before. Then when you are done there There are also Banners pages here!!! Please vist those links. Come back and visit Links to my friends pages Please vist those sites for my friends. Thank you. Oh and one more thing before you go. I just added a guest book so do you think you could sign that. THANKS!!!

             Also for your entertainment pleasure. I have just added (November 16, 1999) Games! I have now added a Translator page Go vist there if your are wondering things!!!

Look here are ggame pages!!!
  1. Play Trick or Trash here!
  2. Play Extreme Board-dom here!
  3. Play The Gobblenator here!
  4. I have taken down the Tarrot Toy game because it is an inapropriate game for my page!
  5. Play Executive Basketball here!
  6. Play Snowman Thing-a-ma-jig here!
  7. Play Snowflake Game here!
  8. Play Revenge of Yar's Revenge here!
  9. Play Washed-Up Celeb Dunking Booth here!


Im not sexist so here

Here is the link to your page Katie
