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Interesting Dialouge...

An Interesting Dialouge Between...
The Staff

This is a very interesting dialouge I picked up between Soul Assassin Demon, Pretty Sammy and Neo Sailor Moon in a game of Truth or Dare...

Pretty Sammy: "I'm first okay?"

Neo Sailor Moon: "You're always first! Why can't I be first?"

Pretty Sammy: "Because I was here before you, so I get to go first!!"

Neo Sailor Moon: "Aw nuts!"

Pretty Sammy: "Okay! I choose...SAD! Truth or Dare?"

Soul Assassin Demon: "Dare."

Pretty Sammy: "Cool! Um...I dare you Bill Clinton!"

Soul Assassin Demon: "Get real, you don't even know his number, and neither do I."

Pretty Sammy: "Oh...yeah, good point. Um, then I dare you to...Kiss Scribe Shanky!"

Soul Assassin Demon: "You've got to be joking. He's a video game character."

Pretty Sammy: "Oh, that's right... Then I dare you to kiss a frog!"

Soul Assassin Demon: "Nothing I haven't done before."


Soul Assassin Demon: *picks up the frog Pretty Sammy found earlier rolling in mud, kisses it on the head, then goes back to her emotionless state.*


Soul Assassin Demon: "I pick...Neo Sailor Moon."

Neo Sailor Moon: "Okay! I say...dare!"

Soul Assassin Demon: *wicked grin* "I dare you to kiss Chibi Sephiroth...ON THE LIPS!"


Neo Sailor Moon: "But...he's a BOY!"

Soul Assassin Demon: "No duh! I wouldn't dare you to kiss a girl!"

Neo Sailor Moon: "Ew gross...oh man can't I go back?!"

Pretty Sammy: *grins* "Nope! You said 'No chickens' before we started! Ha ha ha ha!!"

Neo Sailor Moon: "Oh, fine...*thinks: (Oh man this is nasty!)*"

*NSM sneaks up behind Chibi Sephiroth, while SAD and PS watch from the shadows*

Neo Sailor Moon: *grabs Chibi Sephiroth and kisses him on the lips*

*PS and SAD roll on the floor laughing, as NSM wipes her mouth*

Chibi Sephiroth: "AAAH! YOU WEIRDOS!" *pulls out Masamune and chases NSM around screaming* "COME BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU! I SAID COME BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!"

I told you it was intersting...
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