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Drew Pinsky, M.D, and Adam Carolla with Marshall Fine -The Dr. Drew and Adam Book: A Survival Guide To Life And Love - Dell Clayton "rickety" Hollifield, Drew Pinsky, M.D, and Adam Carolla with Marshall Fine -The Dr. Drew and Adam Book: A Survival Guide To Life And Love - Dell, The Daily, 12 Nov 1998


Back in my day, we only had two advice columnists. And they was sisters! And we liked it that way!

Nowadays, it seems like I can't whittle wood without getting shavings on some know-it-all who thinks that she should run your life, even though some guy's got nudie pics of her in his closet.

Witness The Dr. Drew and Adam Book: A Survival Guide To Life And Love. My grandson, Trevor, decides to get me this book for my birthday, says that I don't read enough. Hooey, I say. I always get my Car & Truck Trader, and if that's ain't readin', I don't know what is ('sides, I get my NRA newsletter too). Anyhow, Trevor gets me this book for my birthday. Imagine my surprise when I unwrapped it. I didn't know that the boy knew how to wrap a present. So, the book that was inside was this book about "relations" (if you catch my drift). First of all, I was upset that a bookstore would sell an eight-year-old a book about relations. I found out which store had sold him that book, and got their word that they would fire whoever was responsible for this outrage.

Anyhow, after that was taken care of, I started thumbin' through this "book." Let me tell you, if Mae, God bless her soul, was here to see the sort of rubbish that's in this book, she would have died right there on the spot from shock. I'll tell you something else: Back in my day there weren't any celebrities giving advice about relations. Everyone knew that Hollywood is full of degenerates and perverts, and any one who listens to a word that they have to say about relations is heading straight for hell. Straight for hell.

There weren't no Janeane Garofalos or Caroline Rheas, there weren't no Ice T's or Keenan Ivory Wayans. By God, we didn't need any dadgummed advice. We just got our special lady a bit drunk, took her out to the barn, and shared something special that her father would never approve of or understand. And if we couldn't share something special, it was time to get a new ladyfriend, unless her father came after you with a shotgun.

Anyhow, there I go again. So, I was reading this book, and it says somewhere that they have this tellyvision show and a radio show called Loveline, where they spout off the same sort of rubbish about relations that they do in this book. Near as I can tell, they just took a bunch of transcripts from these shows and printed them up. Now, I don't know anything about these two clowns' show. My black and white telly only goes up to channel 13 and my radio only has the AM band, both as God intended them to be. But it strikes me that if you're a fan of this sort of thing, then maybe this book would be good for you.

Personally, I lost the peg off of one of the legs on my kitchen table, and this book is leveling it out.

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