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He Took a piece of my heart

Looking over my shoulder
knowing the feelings that he lacks
someone stole a piece of my heart
and he won't give back

why is love so cruel
to people once in love
All I do is think of him
and stare at the stars above

He said He loved me
he kept repeating it over
saying there was nobody,
that there was no other

Feeling the distance
of what I thought we were
then to come to find
there was another her

He left my sprits broken
he left my heart with a hole
I really don't understand
He had My heart and soul

He calls me on the phone
and tells me not to cry
he said he didn't mean it
I know its one more lie

He tell me it just happen
to him this girl was just a friend
but when I learned the truth
He could no longer pretend

So here its been weeks
sense this news he gave
IM trying to live with out him
I know I'll never be the same

When does the hurt
decide to go away
I really cant take it,
this pain another day

I know I must go on
and let go of the past
I know there others who love me
I know there love will last

But why do I keep falling
for the one who I thought I could depend
to love me for, forever
and never cause me heart break again

love is such a weird thing
to this I can claim
I just need to go forward
and not make this mistake again

written By Cheryl