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Destiny and Fate


When are eyes first met

Ours souls entwined

Our love soon blossomed

And took off in time


Your innocent and smiling ways

Soon lead us to better days

And in the future I now do see

The wonderful person you bought out in me


I know it was fate

That lead us here

I know it was destiny

That put away my fears


I know we are as one

In our hearts and in having fun

I know I love you Like I never could

I know you were sent for this I understood


You are my life, my soul my, dreams

You are my hopes,my everything

You are my one and only lover

I love how we roll under the covers


WE both knew,we were meant to be

Before we even met

It's funny how things work out

And how time will never let us forget ...


written by Cheryl

Sept 20, 2000