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Anne Marie has touched us

with her beauty and her grace

Always there wanting to please you

and take the worry off your face


Anne Marie never showed us

the Pain that she hid

she wanted us to be happy

and put a smile on her kids


she was 45 years old

when god took her by the hand

she died of cancer

so god lead her to the promisedland


Anne Marie has showed us

what life is about

caring about others

and live life without a doubt


she has touched her mother soul

and so many of her friends

now her pain is gone

she no longer has to pretend


she walks around in heaven

with a glow upon her face

all the pains of her cancer

are gone without a trace


she looks lovingly at her family

and she smiles at her friends

Bob you really help her deal

you helped her heart mend


 Anne Marie sings with the angels

and she sits among the clouds

No she's not gone forever

she'll always be around


 God bless you Anne Marie

I can almost see your face

you always thought of others

your love will never be replaced


written By Cheryl

May 27 , 2000