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OK, I've begun to realize that this page is quite long now. So, I've decided to call it Mike's long page of pictures. That's all it is really, just a long page of pictures, don't you think? Well, check it out, and maybe you'll believe me, eh?

The View

This is a view from Palos Verdes, CA...where I'm from.

Friends Forever

This is me, Mike, and two of my wonderful friends, Liz and Jen, from left to right. We love the Bacon Brothers. Ain't nothing better than a little FOROSOCO now and then.

Me and the boys

These are my boys, Grant and Chris, aren't we the tough guys? Can I get a little MP? The first chapter of the Moon Patrol was founded at UCLA.

I'm such a pimp

These are some of my hot women...from left-Megha, Jen, Al, and Erin. This picture was taken when they were at Club Med in Sonora Bay, Mexico.

Perry P.

Grant is so hot, isn't he? Dude, you crack me up.


Dane is madly in love with his girlfriend, Natalie, who lives in Texas. Dane hopes to move there some day and leave me to rot alone at IU...kidding Dane, good luck.

Picture Perfect

This here is a picture of my friend, Bethany, and me in front of my house. Bethany goes to IU, and she's been there with me through the thick and thin...thanks for being there babe!

Summer School?

What is that? Yeah, so as of now, which is June in the summer of 1999, I am studying in Cuernavaca, Mexico, at ITESM, trying deperately to improve my spanish skills...yeah, right, that's why i'm in Mexico...that's the ticket!

I am the Walrus

This is us being,, at Benni Hana's for Grant's 19th. Did I spell that right?

Animal Lovers

Or something like that. We aren't normal, but we're not psycho or anything, at least not all of us, JEN and CHRIS! Oh, and by the way, that girl in the middle there is my friend Blair, and she can box out like there's no tomorrow.

Just keep your own little thoughts to yourself.

This picture was sent to me by Jen via emial, because she likes to see herself on the computer screen, so I'm obliging her happily. This was taken right before senior prom at Jen's house...and NO, they didn't go TOGETHER!

Collager Three?

Once again, Jen pulls through in the punch and sends me this wonderfl collage of pictures from the Cliffs, Pre-Prom (we burned all post-prom pics, due to a federal court order), and Graduation...and NO, I didn't go to prom with all THREE of them!


This is Tessa, she's really cool because she's from Palos Verdes and she goes to IU. We don't really know who the guy is, but I'm pretty sure that they're not together.

THREE MINUTE MILE (my band's webpage)

My buddy Dane's webpage

My buddy Todd's webpage

My buddy Erin's webpage

My buddy Karel's webpage

My buddy Adam's webpage

My buddy Bethany's webpage

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