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The Free Flying Magnetic Levitator will revolutionize Space Travel.
Rockets are dangerous and expensive. The Free Flying Magnetic Levitator
is far less dangerous and much less expensive. A very small Levitator
Launch Vehicle can be made that can turn a profit for less money than
a few tiles on the Space Shuttle.
Ordinary magnets are useless for flying on the Earth's Magnetic Field
as they can not couple to the field at all. They rotate like a Compass
Needle but can not propel themselves. The Free Flying Magnetic Levitator
can propel itself on the Earth's Magnetic Field. Ordinary magnets can
only move at right angles to an external magnetic field. The Free Flying
Magnetic Levitator can propel itself in any direction. A Superconducting
Free Flying Magnetic Levitator can deliver 1000 times better
performance than a rocket without the dangerous combustion or hot
exhaust plume. A Levitator Spaceplane can take off from any airport.
Ferromagnetic materials like steel and permalloy can also be used and
at Room Temperature.
These Discoveries are Major Scientific Breakthroughs. Demonstrations of
the Free Flying Magnetic Levitator are available. A low cost very small
Levitator Launch Vehicle can quickly be made ready for testing.
See Patent at:
See Aviation Week article at:
Sponsors and Subscribers get Flight Data, Flight Data Visualization and
Flight Report. Sponsors get full page in Flight Report and Subscribers
get 1/10 page in Flight Report. Sponsors and Subscribers get full Manual
with updates. MiniManuals get updates. Sponsors get full demonstrations
and Subscribers get limited demonstrations.
How Wachspress, Inventor
Box 640141 San Francisco, CA 94164
415 673-3596