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Vintage Beaded Bags

This is a collection of Vintage and Antique Beaded Bags, from the past. This Collection belongs to Shaye~, a wonderful lady I am privilaged to know, and my son , Jaramy is in Love with. She certainly has an eye for beauty and artwork as you will see. I have the privilage of doing any restorations or repairs where a thread might be loose. Thank you for letting me share these gorgeous bags with the world...Shaye! I dedicate this site to you! Donna Addis

Gorgeous Vintage Beaded Bags

Vintage Beaded Bags page 1
VBB2-Beaded Bags
VBB3-Beaded Bags
VBB4-Beaded Bags
VBB5-Metal Bags
VBB6-Metal Bags
VBB7-Fabric Bags
VBB8-Fabric Bags
VBB9-Fabric Bags
VBB10-Beads and Fabric Bags
VBB11-Beaded Fabric
VBB12-Beaded Fabric

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