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I changed the title! *fake DJ-cheering ad-lib sound* Eheh...This page is now known as

Other Stuff To Do Besides Stare At My New Scouts

Read Fanfics!
Poll #1
Poll #2
Come to Natalia's Temple!
My VERY funny friend, Jennifer's, page! If you need a good laugh, I suggest going here!
Jen's and my *interesting* take on Sailor Moon =^___^=
My pathetic attempt to make a Dragonball GT page...
It's Dub Bashing time!
Things I would never say
Songs Sailor Moon People Would Sing
My Continuation Page...

I am a proud member of the Hayama Kawaii Fanclub! (I love this kid [I'm not obsessed...=-_-=]=^_^=)
I FINALLY UPDATED!: May 6, 2001. Happy late Cinco De Mayo...sorry for not updating in FOREVER. Some bad news: Because of my laziness, I have taken down the scout request page. If you wish to request a scout, my friend Jennifer can do it for you. Just visit her page in the links section.
ANNOUNCEMENT!: I am running out of space on this page...I have linked my second page above. There will eventually be second, third, fourth, etc, pages to every section.
This is just a girl I made. She isn't a
Sailor Scout, but I just thought she was
pretty! If you want to use her to
create an actual Sailor Scout, be my guest
You don't even have to give me any credit
Sailor Polaris
Sailor Zodiac
Sailor Sun
This is Pan-chan! Isn't she so kawaii???=^_^=
This is a cute picture of Chibi-Usa as a teenager! Well, she's not really Chibi is a picture of Usa!

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Solar Princess Natalia
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Sailor V.E.N.U.S.

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