
Real Name: Chuck Taine
Home world: Earth
Occupation: Legionnaire
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: none
Group Affiliation: Legion of Super-Heroes
Height: 5'8"
Weight: varies
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

DC Heroes Stats

Powers: Bouncing 11, Electrical Immunity 12 (only when bouncing), Skin Armor 12 (only when bouncing)
Skills: Acrobatics 10 (only when bouncing), Charisma (Persuasion) 7, Martial Artist 2, Scientist 2, Vehicles 2
Advantages: Scholar (Vectors), Scholar (Classic Holo Trivia)
Wealth: 6

Chuck Taine was working as a lab assistant to put himself through school. One day the scientist he was working for asked him to deliver a bottle of Super-Plastic Formula to another lab for testing. On his way, he decided to stop and watch a Robo-Gladiator Tournament. While watching the tournament, Chuck accidentally drank the Super-Plastic Formula. He tried to spit it out, but it was too late, the Super-Plastic Formula had already started to activate the dormant meta-gene in Chuck. Chuck inflated into a ball-like shape and bounced around the stadium, accidentally interfering with the Tournament.

He immediately went to see a doctor about his condition, and after a battery of tests from a whole team of doctors, the doctors determined that his acciental ingestion of the Super-Plastic Formula had activated his metagene. It had made his body rubbery, he could inflate to a ball shape, and bounce. He was also invulnerable against most blunt attacks as well as electricity.

The accident had somewhat affected his personality too. Having the rather absurd ability to inflate into a ball and bounce caused him to not take himself too seriously. He always had a rather odd sense of humor, but now it was a bit enhanced. He even used his bouncing powers for humorous effect, to try to make his friends laugh, especially Val Armorr, who took himself too seriously to Chuck's way of thinking.

When Val, and another friend of Chuck's Andy Nolan, heard about try outs for Superboy's new Legion of Super-Heroes, they convinced Chuck to try-out for the team with them. Chuck considered several diferent code names, such as Bouncing Boy, Boing the Master of Bounce, and Rubber Chuckie, before settling on the name Rebound. He didn't really expect to get accepted into the team, but was mostly there for moral support for Val and Andy.

The super-plastic formula has made Chuck's body rubbery. He can inflate to a ball shape, and bounce great distances. When bouncing, he is highly resistant to most blunt attacks as well as electricity. He has learned a small amount of martial arts from his friend, Val Armorr, and has a knack for classic holo trivia.
