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By Lucifera

Cats have many roles in superstition, some are funny and some are not. Some make you wonder where our ancestors' brains were. What were the cat's roles in superstition? And where did some ideas come from? Do some of these superstitions exist today? Cats are creatures that have captured the human mind and this has made them unwilling victims of humanity. They've been categorized as creatures of evil omens, cunning hunters, and as beneficiary creatures.

There are also misconceptions about Satanists and cats, although there are a few idiotic people that claim to be Satanists and say they sacrifice cats, that is all a misunderstanding, people believe the stories they hear from childhood about what a Satanist is supposed to be (from a catholic or christian point of view) and then when they feel like rebelling against that religion believe that the best way to do it is by doing what they've heard in these stories. So we can easily tell you that these people are a product of your environment. Think twice before pointing fingers!

Usually, there are other forms of religion that do sacrifice animals as part or their rituals but usually the animals sacrificed are cows, chickens, and they are usually eaten, it's as normal to them as buying packaged meat in the grocery store is for us.

As far as I know, most of the Satanist I have met and known have a strong love for cats. Even Anton LaVey had his beauty Togare which he loved and took grreat care of. But lets be real, not all Wiccans and Satanists will have cats, we are individuals!

Loki's Story