Overdue Library Books Overdue Library Books

Something Old, Something New, Something Frighteningly Baby Blue

Exit Boyband Oasis Fiction...... Enter "Overdue Library Books". Not to worry, everything will still be the same, just a different layout and stuff. This is a place here you can go to fulfill your literary craving without having to pay fines for Overdue Books, hence the name :)

You have three choices- choose wisely. Either way they're all in frames format, but we've got a non-frames version coming soon! We ...promise? You can also check out the easy-on-the-browser version here: Slowpoke =)

Now that you've got your choices, get to the rading, and don't you dare forget that lonely guestbook!!

p.s. Don't forget to sign the guestbook. It would make us very happy and therefore encourage us to write more (should you ever be so lucky :Þ)

Got any questions?

BBOC FictionCrew@hotmail.com

Like, maximize your window umm... now. The page is kinda big :)