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Welcome to "Tea Leaves" virtual Tea Room where you will find Tea information, recipes, herbal teas, Theme Tea ideas,books about Tea and links to the best Tea sites I've found!

I love anything to do with Tea, and I find myself very drawn to the Victorian Era.I collect antique linens, tea items and Blue Willow China.

I enjoy sipping my morning tea from an old "farmer's cup" in that pattern. Blue Willow is a pattern that has held it's own over the years. Good pieces are still easy to find. Be sure to learn the pottery marks before you go shopping for Blue Willow. Thrift shops and tag sales have been a very good source for me. I found a platter marked $5.00 in a thrift shop and the collector's guide values it at $365.00! It pays to know the pottery marks whether you are buying or selling.

The legend attributed to Blue Willow is most intriguing and romantic. It seems the favorite daughter of a Chinese Emporer fell in love with a common man. When the Emporer discovered their love, he ordered the man put to death. The lovers ran away and the scene of them crossing the bridge to safety is dipicted on the china.


It is said that Tea was discovered centuries ago when a Chinese Emporer was taking a rest under some bushes. As his servent heated his water for drinking, a few leaves from the bush blew in. The Emporer drank the tea and was so happy with the taste and the way it energized him that he then started the tradion of drinking tea.

  Some of my favorite Tea Books are:

"Alexandra Stoddard's Tea Celebrations" by Alexandra Stoddard.....

"If Teacups Could Talk" by Emilie Barnes.....

"Special Teas" by Dalton King.....

"Taking Tea" by Andrea Isreal.....

"The Charms of Tea" by Victoria Magazine.....

"Victorian Entertaining" by John Crosby Freeman.....

"The Tea Party Book" by Lucille Recht Penner.....

"The Pleasures of Afternoon Tea" by Angela Hynes.....

"Having Tea" by Tricia Foley.....and

"Tea Time" by M. Dalton King.


To make a good cup of tea one must first bring water just to a not let it come to a complete boil! Rinse your pot with some of the hot water, add 1 teaspoon of your favorite tea leaves for each cup wanted plus 1 extra "for the pot". Let steep about 3 to 5 minutes depending upon how strong you desire the brew to be. One other note...never boil green tea leaves as this makes the tea extremely bitter. When you add the hot water to the leaves they will uncurl and move about. This action is known as "the agony of the leaves".


Delicious Mint Iced Tea

Bruise 1 cup of fresh mint leaves

Add to: 1 cup sugar & 2 cups water in a saucepan. Simmer for about 10 minutes and set aside.

4-6(depends upon your taste) black tea bags in saucepan with 12 cups of boiling water. Brew to desired strength. Cool and add mint concoction. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and enjoy poured over ice!

Hint: Freeze mint leaves in your ice cubes and enjoy with your iced tea!

It is now known that drinking Green tea will help to prevent some cancers. Drinking Black teas is also a help in preventing various cancers. Tea is also found to help prevent bone loss and to help lower cholesterol.

Herbal Teas are made from an infusion of one herb, or a combination. This is also known as a tisane.

One of my favorites is Chamomile. You may use fresh leaves, but I take the simple way and use tea bags. A used chamomile tea bag can be used chilled to freshen tired eyes. Drnking the tea will soothe a frazzled you! I had foot surgery and my foot was extremely swollen and bruised. I made a foot bath from 4 Chamomile tea bags and 2 quarts of warm water. The bruising and swelling was visibly lessened after 20 minutes of soaking.

Another concoction to use for swelling, bruising or general muscle soreness, is 1/2 cup Thyme leaves steeped in about a pint of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and add to your bath water.

If you suffer from Planter Warts you will find black tea bags an effective agent to remove them. The tannin in the tea is acidic and will remove a wart if you leave a cooled bag on it, changing to a fresh one every day.

This site will change from time to check back periodically. Feel free to email me any sites you find that are interesting...I'd love to see them!

My Favorite Tea Links!

Bigelow Tea Company
Stash Tea Company
Gothenburg Teas
United Kingdom Tea Council

Some Fun Sites To Visit

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