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My long time friend Wally. This is only the second time i have seen him in a suit. Does this picture just scream MAFIA!! ? (lol) Relax, he is everything but that. Slightly crazy, which explains his most famous handle of Fisban.An excentric wizard from the DragonLance stories. To his close friends..the inside joke is Necromancer! (evil laugh)

Trevor and Nat

Trevor. That good looking lady at his side, is now his wife! Natalie does all the worrying now, and ,i might add, is darn good at keeping trevor out of trouble! so far (just kidding)

The one and only TECHIE!

KEV. AKA smuffer, Taz, Techie...etc..A nice, but odd fellow who thinks strange thoughts! Good with a computer, and for tech support...NO..don't call him! He'd kill me :) Ahhh what the heck...his ICQ is 1142562 he can ONLY do it once! :)

Oh dear - no Java!!!!
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