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Many Wookiees have found the road to fame and fortune (or at least fortune ...
well, at least a living wage) is to be found in the trading routes of the Outer Rim.
While Wookiees are perfectly happy roaming the galaxy, they are happiest if they
can occasionally meet with other Wookiees to share memories of home, sing the
songs they grew up with, test their strength against each other, trade with each other,
and, in the evenings, tell stories. So they meet once a year on a designated planet,
all converging at the same time along with buyers, a few Wookiees from home, and
various other visitors.

Wookiee Rendezvous is a collection of those stories, songs, and tall tales.

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What Will I Find In Wookiee Rendezvous? - Updated
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Last Update: March 8, 1999

Wookiee Rendezvous Editor, Rebecca S. Wolking

To contact Wookiee Rendezvous by email, click here.
To contact Wookiee Rendezvous by post, address to:
Wookiee Rendezvous

P.O. Box 13235
OAFB, NE 68113 USA

This site maintained by lilcalamity.

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