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Take a Fun Quiz

Past Quiz Results

Is gum candy?
50% yes
50% no

If you could have a one way Time Travel ticket, which way would you go?
55% forward
45% backward

What sex is the Easter Bunny?
44% male
56% female
0% hermaphrodite

Which is your favorite?
49% The Far Side
29% Calvin & Hobbes
23% Dilbert

Which is the tastiest?
27% Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
27% Snickers
23% M&Ms
10% Nutrageous
7% Hershey Bar
7% Nestle's Crunch

Which is your favorite fast food?
35% Kentucky Fried Chicken
31% McDonald's
16% Taco Bell
12% Burger King
4% Carl's Jr.
2% Jack in the Box

My Ideal Vacation would be:
38% Cruise
19% Snorkeling in the Cayman Islands
16% Gambling in Las Vegas
13% Camping in Yosemite
9% NASA Space Camp
6% Going to Antarctica

In Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Jar Jar Binks is:

31% Cute
24% Completely Obnoxious
17% Cool
14% Sweet
14% Funny
0% Sort of Annoying
