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Bad Bad One


Meredith’s much anticipated third album. I would like to say VERY different from Blurring The Edges and Deconstruction. It has a new edge, with the signature layer of guitars all throughout the album.


Here’s what I think of each song! As a bonus, click on each title to read the lyrics. It will open in another window!



Crazy – to be honest….the beginning freaked the heck out of me! But it’s such a catchy tune. I love the lyric “you say don’t change a thing, but your list is longer than my day”. I guess we have been called crazy so often, that MB realised hang on, you’re as nuts as I am! Live for the day baby!


High – Hearing the full tune on my cd player made me realise, “WOW, I love this song!” it’s interesting with the layers of people talking in the beginning. What is your take on this song? I know that MB is dead against drugs, but I think this song is about the natural high you can get on life, without the use of drugs…….oh I don’t know! What do you think??? Email me!


Bad, Bad One – I always love to hear the album entitled track on any CD. This track for me seems like a vintage song, one that I’ve heard so many times before. Like this song is looking at someone afar and saying no, im the one who’s messed up all the time. I like this tune a lot


Pleasure – Another track into the album and I realise how different her tunes have become. It’s such a welcoming song for you to listen to. I imagine myself driving with the top down and with the wind blowing in my face. What a feel good song or what!

Pain – has this track name got anything to do with the previous one?? Where there is pleasure, is there always pain?? You know the feeling of something when you’ve lost something so dear, in a relationship or anything, that pit of the stomach realisation of “what have I done!!”…….pain….that’s all it is baby….pain…

You Don’t Know Me – I love the layers of guitars in the background of the chorus. It gives so much power to the song. Seems like a very strong willed song…if you know what I mean!

Where Lovers Meet – this definitely sounds like a soundtrack song. I love this song so much, it reminds me of the dreams that you always hold, when you know you haven’t got someone, your on the outside looking in.  hats off to a brilliant musician.


Walk Away – You find yourself bopping your head to the song. Reminds me a lot of Cosmic Woo Woo on her second album Deconstruction.


Your Name – I love the seriousness of the few first seconds. I can always tell that a song is great from just those seconds. It just gets better and better as the minutes go by. Story like song, you see the progression of a relationship which has so many angles…..


Shine – I downloaded this song a while ago and I have come to like it a lot. It’s released in the US on the radio I believe. Another feel good song, the qualities of a person sung by an awesome voice.


Lucky Day – Feel good from the beginning once more, singing out the virtues of another and praising the day!


Stand – By far my favourite song. Brought tears to my eyes,  as it seems like such a personal song that almost anyone can relate to with a best friend, lover or someone that you depend on, family …… anything. I love the way she sings her heart all through the song. Oh, and I hinted a flavour of “Sin City”ism in the “oh oh ohs” in the middleish. J


Well that’s all folks, it wasn’t as dark or deep as the first album, it’s excelling over the inspirational lyrics of Deconstruction, Bad Bad One manages to make your day completely. By far my favourite artist ever. All three albums and B-Sides have tunes for all occasions.


Big applause to Meredith Brooks, singer, song writer, producer and mentor.




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