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       Dear Jeff,
  I have been wondering how you were doing for quite some time. I very much miss the Frugal Gourmet program. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have taken such
interest in cooking.  You made it "cool" for a guy to enjoy cooking so much. My wife and I, not to mention the rest of my family have enjoyed many of your recipies for a
long time. When my wife and I first got married,your  "Frugal Gourmet Cooks Italian" kept us well fed and still does today!
                I was glad to find this website and also find so  many letters wishing you well. You must know that many people genuinely care about you. You came into our
homes everv week and tought us a lot, for which we are greatful.  I do hope to see you again and hope things are going well for you. I NEVER LOST FAITH IN YOU.
                                                      Take care
                                                       Doug Feest
                                                        Bristol CT


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