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Dear Mr. Smith:

How sad my Saturdays have been since they removed your show from my
local PBS station.  For as far back as I can remember I would look
forward to watching your show and seeing what you had in store for us
that day.  My father and I would watch and take notes on the various
recipes you whipped up and then incorporate them into our daily meals.
After so many years of watching the show you became like a friend that I
just couldn't wait to see each week because you added so much to my day
(especially when you aired the side pieces of you and Craig visiting the
various places around the world - I felt like I was on those trips with
you).  The theme music would bringing me running from all parts of the
house to watch the show.

So many times I remember dropping hints at birthday and Christmas time
that what I really wanted was one of your cook books (usually the most
recent issue because I had all of the ones before it).  Even now when I
flip through the pages of the various books I have, I notice little
marks on the pages of times gone by when I made that recipe before.

I look forward to the day when I see you on TV again, or have the
privilege of owning another of your cookbooks.  Now that I have found
this website I will visit it regularly to keep abreast of what's going
on with "my friend".

Please know that there are a lot of people out there who miss you and
hope that things go well for you and your family.

"...I Bid You Peace".

Sue Morris
Midlothian, IL

Sue Morris

Associate Representative
745 McClintock Dr., #220
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Email:  sue.morris@nmfn.com
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