In Nomine: the Mile Higher Club
aka Corat of the East Wind, Corey, Wheel, Windy, C
Ofanite of the Wind
in service to War (Michael)
and his direct superior Elokite of War, Ih'Ivelga
and her superior, Mercurian of War, Word of Spies Nisroc
and Corat's friend and helper Alx Le Dante
warm and friendly, protective, accepting, trusting
secretive, flighty, forgetful, hyperactive, claustrophobic
Currently in the role of John Wyatt, Air Marshall and volunteer for the Big Brothers, mentoring "Chris Breckenridge" the demon Pepito. An old friend of the Mercurian Rina-el, aka exotic dancer Jasmine.
Organizer and sometime leader of the Mile Higher Club. In service to Michael and personally acquainted with The Corps, he likely has a martial background.He has an unconcealed dislike of Seraphim. A personal friendship with a sorcerer who is not under Laurence's supervision (Ryuki Watari) suggests a willingness to work outside the rules. A long-running hatred of Pepito the Impudite was nearly his downfall, leading him to act against his basically charitable nature. Pepito claimed he is merely a proxy for someone Corat hates even more. He was right on this--after Pepito's death Corat was forced to admit he still had a grudge against the Triad that convicted him.
Allied: Ryuki, Rina-el, Ulysses and Kyle of The Corps, humanity, the Archangels Michael and Janus
Associated: the MHC, The Corps, the Archangel Yves
Hostile: demons, Pepito, the Archangels Laurence and Dominic
Introduced in the first post
Inspirations: Ronan Harris of VNV Nation (pictured), John Hartigan from Sin City

Corat "of the East Wind"
Fledged Ofanite in the year 1145 Anno Domini, Corat was paired with one of a handful of pilgrimage angels. A small brotherhood of Cherubim and Ofanim, these angels accompanied mortal pilgrims on journeys of the spirit, defending them both body and soul on the way. Corat took readily to the mission, eventually distinguishing himself among pilgrimage angels and earning the Master of Motion distinction. He has been to Canterbury, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Jerusalem, and Mecca more times than he can remember. He has also led pilgrims to Plymouth Rock, Lumbini, and Mt.Kailash, maintaining that nonbelievers and pagans are deserving of salvation. Janus, supervisor of the pilgrimage angels, while giving little direction also made no objection to this practice.
In the early 1970's Corat accepted a pilgrimage that no other angel had, to the Shinto war shrine Yasukuni. A Dominican Triad, already used to sniffing around Janus'servitors, followed him there and took exception to the destination. After a brief conversation Corat was hauled to the celestial realm for a trial.
The charges were simple and damning. Yasukuni was an ethereals' shrine, and the pilgrims would be feeding them Essence. (Incidental, said Corat. A small price to save a soul.) It glorified war criminals, suggesting they were no guiltier than their conquerors' judges. It honored women and child soldiers as war heroes. It glorified premeditated suicide as a war tactic. It held that in any war or argument, both were wrong and both were right, a nearly complete moral relativism. Corat denied none of this, without shame. What hurt was that he was forced to give up his confidences, the hundred little things told to him by the pilgrims, the opinions he held that he knew were unorthodox, an appreciation of the virtues of unrepentant pagans. Yet still the Triad was hung, one Seraph for, the Cherub against, the third a Seraph of the Sword undecided.
Michael the Archangel intervened for his own reasons, sending an emissary to speak to the undecided Seraph. Rather than having the desired effect, the Seraph took exception to an outside party attempting to influence a Triad and voted guilty. Corat lost his highest Distinction, some ethereal Forces, and was taken off pilgrimages until further notice, effectively denying him the Word so nearly in his grasp. He was devastated.
Janus imposed on Michael to fix what he had broken, and Michael assigned Corat to train with the Corps. While their purely martial mission was at odds with his nature, the constant discipline distracted him from his pain and strengthened his soul. Kyle, the Cherub he trained with, became a dear friend and Ulysses their commanding officer became a father figure. It was unlikely that Corat would legitimately earn a spot on the Corps, so rather than see him fail Michael pulled him out early. After a brief and recreational mission touring with the Grateful Dead fans, Corat was tapped for a new task.
spoilers omitted
Corat maintains a centuries-long friendship with Rina-el, grateful for the comfort and the reprieve from the War and the ability to openly associate with an exotic dancer. Of ... he will not admit to a favorite, but he clearly appreciates being able to speak openly to Ryuki. Ryuki discovered his angelic nature on his own, and while he would be bothered that he's part of a mission, he's wise enough to know that Corat's interest in him is probably related to the War.
Corat has made friends with Alx Le Dante, a Santa Monica artist. Alx is Corat's tour guide to humanity, teaching him how to better blend in to the modern world. Alx teaches him how to feign interest in women, because as part of his pilgrimage construction he has no erotic urges (to avoid objectifying people.) 'A bug or a feature, depending on how you look at it.' Alx also allows Corat to possess his body from time to time when he needs to be in the air on 'John Wyatt's day off.
Corat met Jen Breckenridge about three years ago on one of his many flights, and quickly discovered that her 'son' was an Impudite of Dark Humor. Unable to destroy the Imp without throwing Jen into despair, Corat settled into a passive-aggressive battle with the demon Pepito. Eventually he fell into a pattern, taking out his anger at the Triad on the demon while failing to either extract it or destroy it. This inability (or properly speaking, unwillingness) to break free of their destructive relationship has led to dissonance in Corat, finally bundled into a Discord for claustrophobia.
He has remained friends with Kyle and Ulysses though he sees them rarely. Kyle often teases him that 'somewhere out there is a Cherub who can't sit still, because you gave some Ofanite your place in the fledge line.' They call him by his boot camp nickname 'Teddy Bear' because 'He may not be great in a fight, but when he's in the room suddenly everybody feels okay.' Still he knows a soldier's rules, that they won't ignore orders on his behalf.
Shenmachel reminds Corat of the Seraph in the Triad, and he's suspicious of him for that reason. He still dislikes Seraphim in general, and servitors of Laurence and Dominic in particular, and suspects Shenmachel is here on behalf of one or both of them, to watch him. He's not sure, so he's unwilling to confront him.
Zahira's presence comforts him as a representative from Khalid. He's seen Islam's beauty firsthand and appreciates the difference of faith Khalid represents.
The continuous presence of Yves' representatives suggests to him that Destiny may be on to his true mission and intends to participate.
Corat includes on his team whoever comes to him, and trusts the Lord not to send him anyone he can�t handle.
He is proficient with a pistol for his role, but his passion and skill are for archery.
Elokite of Michael
(and Corat's direct superior, aka "Little Boss")
She tries very hard to be warm and sympathetic, and sometimes can even be convincingly so, but Velga is an Elokite first. She sees the big picture, the great struggle, and only then factors people and feelings into the mix. Some say Michael has her on this assignment to correct this chilliness. Others say she supervises Corat because of their shared experiences with the two Archangels. (She is a former servitor of Wind, having left in frustration over a lack of direction.)
Her name is telling--it's an acronym meaning "Iron Hand in Velvet Glove" which is how it sounds in Celestial. She is powerful and distinguished, yet somehow that name has never risen to the status of Word. Perhaps she also shares Corat's vice: a tendency to guard her own secrets.Inspiration: Tilda Swinton in Constantine (as the angel Gabriel "The Snob") and in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe as the White Witch.
First appearance in "Angels' Flight" chat session
Nisroc, Word of Spies
aka "Boss"
Mercurian of Michael

First appearance, post #705.
He stays carefully in the background, not even speaking his name. When he does indulge a vessel it's that of an awkward teenager. He's fond of throwing on a cloak, glowing his eyes red, and doing bad impressions of Dominic. Somehow he gets away with this...
As a Mercurian he adores interacting with human beings, but his particular Word limits this severely. He's thus a little bit bent, knowing his manners are awkward he no longer tries to be smooth, taking joy in the reactions from his faux pas.
Inspired by the interplay of the characters 'L' Lawliet and 'BB' Beyond Birthday, from Death Note and its offshoots.
Alx Le Dante
Los Angeles area artist

First appearance, post #6.
Based on a personal friend and real life artist.
It's unclear how Alx and Corat met or how they struck up their unusual arrangement, except that Alx is a very laid-back guy with a sense of the surreal. Because the role of John Wyatt has to be kept realistic, 'John Wyatt' has to take a day off now and then when Corat feels the need to be on the plane or elsewhere. Usually he asks for Alx's help on planes because it's relatively safe and it's physically idle, meaning Alx can return from the Marches rested and without injury.
The artist's tongue-in-cheek bio, his art page, and a piece of artwork he did for me, as inked by San Lee at Tattoo Korea.