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My Friends Pages

Here are all of my friends homepages that i know about. If your page isnt here, let me know the adress and i will put it up as quickly as possible. Thanks.

Brandy's Place

This is my internet buddy Brandy's Home Page, she is the one that has influenced and even taught me how to do all this cool stuff.

Pablojob's Harem

This is Paul's Home Page. PAul is my good friend from school who has a crazy Panamanian mother. He is still working on the page, but soon you can expect pics of him and his friends, wrestling, and Dragonball stuff. Kinda like my page.

Heather's Heaven

This is another brand new page that my friend from school, Heather, just began to put together. This page, so i'm told, will have pics of Heather and her friends, and i'm guessing will have a lot to do with dancing, since she is a dancer. Keep checking back to see the page as it develops.

Marks World

This is Marks page. He is the man when it comes to graphics. He and I go to school together, and he has a lot of cool stuff on his page, go check it out.

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